Tracing Nature Stone mentas In Belitung

Stone mentas Belitung

A deevaTravel - Belitung is an island off the east coast of Sumatra, Indonesia, flanked by the Gaspar Strait and the Strait Karimata. The island is famous for white pepper (Piper sp.) In the local language is called sahang , and minerals-C-type excavation such as tin ( Stannuum) , quartz sand, white clay (kaolin), and granite. 

Today Belitung be a natural destination alternatives. In March 2012 and has been carried Soft Launching by KPLB. (Environmental Concern Group Belitung) together with the GEF (Global Environment Program) for "Tarsier Sanctuary and Nature Stone mentas.

Stone mentas is a protected forest area located in the hamlet Kelekak Datuk, District Badau or about 30 Km from the city center Tanjungpandan. Mentas stone at the foot of Mount Sharp has tremendous potential as an integrated Travel Destinasti. Natural beauty in the form of a river which is very clear coming from the area of Mount Sharp and forests still very dense and natural uniqueness of flora and fauna, life of local communities to centers garden pineapple and ladanya coupled with unique art and culture tradisioanalnya and expertise of the community to make handicrafts woven from rattan Stone mentas make a very suitable place for your holiday with friends and family.


In addition to be used as a recreation area, Batu mentas also serve as a conservation center. "Tarsier bancanus Saltator" is a kind of primates found only on the island of Belitung. Local people named it Pelilean . To see the primates, you can watch it in captivity which had been prepared by the manager. In addition you can also see a variety of flora and fauna that are already endangered and rare as Lemur , Bird Siaw , squirrels Kelaras , as well as forest plants such as Nibong Palay , Simpor Laki , Pelawan , Rukam , Sisilan , etc.

Outbound Stone mentas

Tourism activities you can do from this place, you can also scour the river by using a canoe while watching mountain scenery refreshing your eyes and mind. In addition you can also do other activities such as haiking, flyingfog a type of sport that is full of challenges that you must try or breeding Tarsier bancanus Saltator , Baths natural natural, travel Tubing, Jungle Trekking, restaurant with the concept of eating "bedulang" and Lodge Safari Tend and Tree House.

Indo Safari Tent

In this place you can spend the night while watching the evening atmosphere of silence. The management has set up a venue in the form of "Indosafaritent" and some presentatif tree house.

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