Pekanbaru is the capital and largest city in the province of Riau. This area is a trade and services, including the city with the rate of growth, migration and urbanization are high.
Pekanbaru has an international airport, the airport Sultan Syarif Kasim II and bus inter-city and inter-provincial Bandar Raya Payung Sekaki, as well as two ports on the Siak River, which Pelita Coastal and River Duku. Currently Pekanbaru is rapidly growing into a trading city multi-ethnic, diversity has become a social capital in achieving a common interest to be used for the welfare of its people.
Pekanbaru has an international airport, the airport Sultan Syarif Kasim II and bus inter-city and inter-provincial Bandar Raya Payung Sekaki, as well as two ports on the Siak River, which Pelita Coastal and River Duku. Currently Pekanbaru is rapidly growing into a trading city multi-ethnic, diversity has become a social capital in achieving a common interest to be used for the welfare of its people.
Pekanbaru itself is an area that has a myriad of sights very beautiful such as nature tourism, religious tourism and historical attractions are all in Pekanbaru, if you want a vacation this is where the ideal, guaranteed you will not be disappointed, especially if you are visiting with relatives, a couple or a family vacation you will be guaranteed to be more fun.
Here's 20 Best Places list in Pekanbaru mandatory must-visit if you're visiting Pekanbaru
1. Sungai Kampar

Attractions Kampar River located at Teluk Meranti village, northeast of Pekanbaru Surfing was not just on the beach alone, in the river can also be really. Well, for you who like to surf you should cobain thrill of surfing on the Kampar river .. The tides (waves) known locally as "Bono", which rushed with loud roaring sound at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. Surfing in the river could rise as high as 4 to 6 meters. Of the river reported populated by crocodiles and snakes. While crocodiles are mostly found in the upstream, it is wise to be cautious of these predators when surfing on the river. However, most are not poisonous snakes, such as boas and pythons.
2. Niagara Stone Wall
Niagara Stone Walls is one of the tourist destinations in the area of Kampar Kiri, Riau Province, Indonesia. Niagara has a name that is unique and deserves a bit of a tourist destination you when you visit to Pekanbaru, Riau. The Waterfall Stone Walls contained in Kampar Kiri has a beautiful, unique and distinctive since around the area attractions waterfall stone walls there are multiple objects and other tourist attractions such as the Places Tugu Equator (Equator Monument) and Sites of Historic Palace Sahilan Mountain kingdom. tourist spot is still relatively virgin and unexplored by the local authorities so that the region waterfall tour stone wall has been no lodging facilities and restaurants.
3. Niagara Thunder Gemurai
Niagara Thunder Gemurai located in Kuantan district Singingi, Pekanbaru. This waterfall is quite popular in Pekanbaru. This waterfall has two streams, this waterfall has a voice that thunders. For those of you who visit Pekanbaru, of course, is not complete if you do not visit tourist attractions in Pekanbaru. Besides the waterfall, the scenery around is also very interesting. Water from the waterfall thunders Gemurai is accommodated in a pond that contained dibawahnnya. In the pond is usually the tourists to swim and play water. In the vicinity of the falls thunder Gemurai there are also several cottages that can be used by visitors to relax while enjoying the beautiful scenery.
4. Waterfall Aek Martua
Niagara Aek Martua The location is in the village of Tangun, District Bangun Purba, Rokan Hulu regency, Riau Province. Aek Martua name itself is taken from the language of the area one of the tribes in Riau, namely Batak Mandailing, which means auspicious water. Proved a bit strange, because the language used is not the language of the ethnic majority of the Riau Malay. But all of that is not surprising, because it proved to residents who live near the waterfall majority of Mandailing Batak tribe. So no mengheran if the name Aek Martua taken using Mandailing Batak tribal language. Which makes this waterfall is interesting to visit because there are three levels. Each level has the size and height vary.
5. Sari Valley Artificial Lake
This lake is an artificial lake that is now becoming Tourist Attractions in Pekanbaru, no less favorite. The lake is located in the village of Limbungan within 10 km from the city center of Pekanbaru. At first, this lake is an irrigation dam used to drain water to the rice fields surrounding residents. Until then, this artificial dam as one of the tourist attractions in Pekanbaru. Surrounded by hills, this family attractions suitable for family recreation as many trees and the air is still cool. If you want to get around on the lake you can rent a paddle boat or a water bike. Lake with an area of about 16 hectares is indeed a beautiful natural scenery with views tersuguhkan.
6. Zoo Sang Kulim
Zoo with an area of 10 hectares have become tourist attractions in Pekanbaru, who visited the family at the weekend. Sang Travel Gardens Kulim is located at Jl. H Usman Kubang Pekanbaru. Zoo The Kulim has many types of animals that can be introduced to children as, monkeys, porcupines, snakes, birds, and much more. In addition to observing the collection of various types of animals, provided the arena for playing children like swings, surfboards, fishing pond, and a children's pool. In addition you can also ride elephants. The Kulim Zoo is one of the places frequented mainly at weekends. Vast stretches of green land can be utilized by people for sitting on the floor on a mat while eating a meal with the family.
7. Dekranasda Pekanbaru

National Crafts Council, or commonly abbreviated with Dekranasda into shopping attractions typical souvenirs in Pekanbaru. Dekranasda itself is located just down the road Sisimangaraja, Dekranasda markets its products in strategic locations such as in Jalan Singamangaraja and Jalan Durian. In stores this Dekranasda built, you can buy various souvenirs to souvenirs such as songket fabric, weaving, batik and various crafts from typical Malay timber. The price offered is diverse ranging from tens of thousands to millions of rupiah. Lots of alternative gift that you can choose in there, such as songket fabric, weaving, batik, and crafts from typical Malay timber. You can get these items at varying prices, ranging from tens thousand to millions of rupiah.
8. The Istana Siak Sri Indrapura
Siak Sri Indrapura palace is a palace of the Sultanate of Siak which is the biggest kingdom in Riau. Siak Sri Indrapura Palace location is not far from City Center Pekanbaru. Istana Siak Sri Indrapura has become one Places in Pekanbaru most interesting to visit. Travel like a Museum Education offers various types of relics of the kingdom of equipment, jewelry, up to a bronze statue of Queen Wilhelmina and the Statue of Sultan Syarif Hasyim I made of stone Marble and diamond jewelry. On the ground floor you can enjoy the royal collection of Queen Wihelmina like bronze statues and sculptures Syahrir Sultan Hashim I. On this floor there is also a drum old age of 200 years. While the second floor of the Palace was once a sultan rooms and guest rooms, these rooms now converted into a collection of heirloom weapons sultan. There is also a painting of Napoleon Bonaparte original imported directly from France.
9. Library Soeman
Library Soeman location is at Jalan Sudirman 462, Pekanbaru. Uniquely, the library building is shaped like Rehal or mat board to read the Quran. Library Soeman Consist of six floors and features various facilities ranging from small mosques, cafes, canteens, meeting rooms to auditoriums. There is also room for literature Malay culture. The library has a collection of literature called Malay culture complete in Indonesia. This library is not just for adults. Please take the children to place this educational tours. Here, there is the Children Library and Kids Corner very spoiling children. No need to have a membership card to be able to read the book collection here. You are free to read a book on the couch or sitting on the floor, reading room was very comfortable because it is equipped with air conditioning and free internet access.
10. Museum Sang Nila Utama

Museum Sang Nila Utama location is at Jl. General Sudirman Pekanbaru. In this museum a variety of different collections of objects sen and culture such as traditional clothing, folk games such as musical instruments from various regions in Riau, a top, and historic objects other Riau province. Not far from the museum's Sang Nila Utama there is a distinctive building with thick Malay architecture that is building Riau Cultural Park, where the building was used as a place for cultural activities and performances of Riau Malay arts, and other activities.
11. Market Down
Down market today has become one of the tourist attractions in Pekanbaru must-visit every tourist who comes. This market became the icon of Pekanbaru Located on the banks of the Siak River and close to the port, which makes it easy to access the market. You can find a variety of ceramics from China, carpets from the Middle East and secondhand electrical goods from foreign countries like Singapore and Malaysia are still worth taking. You can also find a variety of typical snacks lempuk Pekanbaru such as durian, smoked fish, dodol kedondong even chocolates and sweets from neighboring countries. Architecture blend of Chinese and Malay cultures are strong reasons why the markets are part of the tourist attractions in Pekanbaru. Market Down in the wake of more representative so that Travelers more comfortable when traveling.
12. The Art Pavilion Idrus Tintin
Art Pavilion Idrus Tintin stands majestically in an Arena Full MTQ which now bears his name turned into a complex of Bandar Serai Jalan Sudirman Pekanbaru city and is one of the wonder building in the city of Pekanbaru. By having the characteristic building of Malay Riau, Art Pavilion Idrus Tintin looks more like the palace of a performing arts venues. By having a height equal to the three-story building this building stands towering to have a wonderfully aesthetic value. if you have the opportunity to be able to enter into it you'll be able to see Terawangan so high ceilings leading to the building. Art building consists of three floors in the interior of the room was no less interesting than the exterior. Tourism that had become a venue for arts events Indonesia, the Indonesian Film Festival in 2008 it became an art icon Pekanbaru where regular visitors to take pictures or lounging around.
13. Taman Putri Kaca Mayang
Taman Ria Princess Kaca Mayang is located at Jl. Sudirman Pekanbaru exactly in front of the Mayor's Office of Pekanbaru. Taman Puteri Kaca Mayang is a family recreation area is located in the heart of Pekanbaru city, so it is easily reached by public transport arena ada.Bagi children is enough to attract attention because in this place they can use a variety of entertainment facilities such as swimming pools, carousel, bombom car and many other games are certainly fun and exciting. On holidays the place is always crowded with visitors who come both from the city of Pekanbaru itself or from outside the area.
14. Tourism Okura Village
Pekanbaru city government to make a village as a tourist village that is interesting for us to visit, Okura village its name. Actually Okura is a village, but to make it more attractive and easier, referred to only as the village Tourism Okura. Village of Okura is located on the outskirts directly adjacent to Siak and Pelalawan, Riau, have agro-tourism area with various plants productive. Moreover, in the Village Okura also include Siak River flow that can be used as objects of fishing for travelers or residents on weekends. Pekanbaru city government party has made the arrangement in such driveways Okura, area villages and bridges linking the Okura with Siak.
15. Forest Park Sultan Syarif Kasim
Taman Hutan Raya Sultan Syarif Kasim. The park is always crowded on weekends. The place is cool and fresh air is perfect for those of you who want to get a good mood. The location of this park is about 23 km from the center of Pekanbaru is a quick, straight down the road was deserted, however, burst into, there are thousands of people were enjoying the atmosphere is quiet and peaceful. There are many rides that we can play here. place of recreation for young people who want to relax and find the cold air behind the bushes and trees that seemed to make the hearts of others to be cold.
Taman Hutan Raya Sultan Syarif Kasim. The park is always crowded on weekends. The place is cool and fresh air is perfect for those of you who want to get a good mood. The location of this park is about 23 km from the center of Pekanbaru is a quick, straight down the road was deserted, however, burst into, there are thousands of people were enjoying the atmosphere is quiet and peaceful. There are many rides that we can play here. place of recreation for young people who want to relax and find the cold air behind the bushes and trees that seemed to make the hearts of others to be cold.
16. Cultural Tourism in Balai Adat Riau
Cultural Tourism in Balai Adat Riau street located diponegoro and become a tourist destination choice that most tourists frequent. applying customary hall building typical Malay architecture with lots of mix of colors and patterns attached, consists of two floors where the second floor there are chapters of 12 couplets works king Ali Haji. The building is often used as a medium for traditional art performances Riau. Balai Adat Riau can also be used as a tourist destination because you'll get the hallmark of the Riau Malay customs. Typical architecture symbolizes the greatness of the Malay culture.
17. The Great Mosque of An Nur

This magnificent mosques style architecture blends Malay, Arab, Turkey and India. Great Mosque of An Nur called the Taj Mahal of his Pekanbaru. The main building is symmetrical measuring 50 x 50 meters with a large pond and fountain directly in front of the mosque was made similar to the Taj Mahal in India. The mosque consists of 3 floors with a predominance of green color is able to accommodate 4,500 worshipers. Great Mosque of An Nur have 5 domes and four minarets. At night, the mosque looks very pretty with light colored lights that bounce in his pool. What is interesting is the facility free WiFi here. In addition to being a place of worship, the mosque also became one of the sights in Pekanbaru which are visited. In the month of Ramadan, the mosque area will be the location ngabuburit and filled with food and clothing merchant. While waiting for time to break, you can shop a variety of culinary and accessories such as a skullcap, beads, perfumes and much more.
18. An-Nur Mosque
Mosque Siak sultanate Senapelan are relics of the past. The mosque is still managed. This mosque also has the name of Pekanbaru Great Mosque, built in 1762 and is one of the oldest mosques in Riau. At the beginning of construction, the mosque is small and made of wood. Nowadays, you can see it as a magnificent mosques dominated by Malay distinctive yellow color and great vaulted. Once renovated, the size of the mosque now reached 60 x 80 meters. In the past, in this mosque there is an old well yangairnya believed to cure various diseases. That said, these wells to be heard to the neighboring countries and making tourists from Singapore, Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia have come to prove it. Now that the well has been closed for several reasons.
19. Recreation Park Alam Mayang
Taman Mayang outdoor recreation is a natural attractions in Pekanbaru is always crowded when the weekend arrives. Taman Mayang Nature Recreation is located at Jl. H. Imam Munandar, District Bukit Raya, approximately the distance of about 8 from downtown Pekanbaru With the concept traveled in the open makes this park is very fun to be friends with family leisure time the weekend comes. This tourist spot offers family recreational vehicle in the open. Alam Mayang Recreation Park is surrounded by hills, cool the surrounding air so it is suitable for relaxing with the family. From here, you can also see Leighton Bridge across the River Siak. Here, there are three fishing ponds that can be used to satisfy the preferences of your fishing. There was also a flying fox, outbound, water bikes and giant water balls.
20. Riau Fantasy

Riau Fantasy is the largest and most comprehensive leisure parks in Sumatra. Fantasy is located in Jalan Riau Labersa or seitar 45 minutes from downtown Pekanbaru, tourist spot, also known as Labersa Water and Theme Park has an area of approximately 6.5 hectares. As the name implies, the tourist attractions in Pekanbaru vehicle is divided into wet and dry rides and there are also some types of pools and water slides board, as Advanture Pool. In the wet zone there are several types of pools and water slides boards, such as Adventure Pool. In this pool there are several towers connected by bridges shake. There is also a giant bucket hanging that can accommodate 3,000 liters of water and you are ready flushed when fully charged. While in the dry zone area there are a variety of games that test your adrenaline like kora-kora, Sky tower, Wave blaster, Speedy coaster and Family swinger etc. Riau fantasy has become one of the favorite tourist destinations of children and families to spend their vacation time.