Blitar is a region located in the southern part of East Java province, Indonesia. This area is located about 167 km southwest of Surabaya and 80 km west of Malang. Blitar is famous as the place was buried the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, Sukarno. In addition referred to as the City Proclaimers and City Patria Blitar also referred to as the City Map (Defenders of the Homeland) because under the leadership of the Soeprijadi, Laskar Map of resistance to Japan for the first time on December 14, February 1945 that inspired the emergence of resistance to freedom in other areas.
Blitar is an area that has a myriad of sights very beautiful such as beach tourism, nature tourism and historical attractions are all in Blitar, if you want a vacation this is where the ideal, guaranteed you will not be disappointed, especially if you are visiting with relatives, spouses or a family vacation you will be guaranteed to be more fun.
Here's 39 Best Places list in Blitar mandatory must-visit if you're visiting Blitar
1. Mount Butak
Mount Butak is a stratovolcano located in East Java, Indonesia. Mount Butak located adjacent to Gunung Kawi. Historical records can not be found on the eruption of Mount Butak to date. For those who like to climb mountains, Blitar also has a mountain very suitable as an object of climbing the Mount Butak. Butak mountain is a mountain that is administratively entered the border area of Malang and Blitar. One lane climbing Mount Butak at once a favorite track of the climbers is through Sirah Kencong located in Blitar. Sirah Kencong itself is a tea plantation in the village Ngadirenggo, Wlingi subdistrict, Blitar regency. So, when climbing Mount Butak via Sirah Kencong we will pass through the tea plantations which of course will bring a refreshing green scenery eyes
2. Turkish Tambakrejo
Tambakrejo beach is a tourist place in Blitar are quite popular and frequented by tourists. This beach has white sand and blue sea colors so it is lovely to look at. Tambakrejo beach located at Tambakrejo Village, District Wonotirto. To reach this beach takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour drive from Kota Blitar with the distance of about 30 km. Tambakrejo beach is one of the sites with relatively calm sea waves, so many families who come can play while swimming. On the morning will often found the fishermen who returned to sea following fresh fish catch. End can buy these fish are either ready to eat or are still raw.
3. Turkish Pasetran Gondo Mayit

Gondo beach Mayit located not too far from the beach Tambakrejo, this beach is located on the east side of the beach Tambakrejo name of this beach is a bit scary because there is the word "deceased" there. However, the wonderful atmosphere on the beach is really going to make us fall in love. Just like the beach Tambak Rejo, this beach also has a brownish sand and the waves are relatively high. What's interesting about this beach is the presence of hills around him. If the weather is clear and is not drought, green scenery combined with the blue sky on this beach we can see from one of the hills around the coast. Very beautiful. The location of this beach is on the east pantia Tambakrejo but has atmosphere tend to be quieter
4. Turkish Jolosutro

Jolosutro beach located at Ringinrejo Village, District Wates, located on the border between Blitar and Malang. The beach is very different from Tambakrejo beach because sand color black. Jolosutro beach is part of the South Coast waves are big enough so that the tourists should remain cautious. To achieve Jolosutro Beach, you have to cover a distance of about 45 km from the city center or precisely located in the village of Ringinrejo, District Water. This beach is unique because it is located in a small bay in the area of the hills. On the shore, you can find rocks with a variety of sizes. This beach is one of the favorite beach in the town of Blitar.
5. Turkish Attack

Serang beach is beach sand blackish in color as well as in Jolosutro. However, the natural atmosphere of this beach make it comfortable to play. Attacking the beach is composed of three parts of the beach where each beach can be reached by walking past the hill into dividing. If we look from the top of the hill, landscape Serang beach is a very beautiful scenery. Attacking the beach in the village of Serang, district Panggungrejo. The location is about 45 km from the city center Blitar. Besides the charm of its exotic sunset, beach Serang also often held a traditional ritual that is often called the Java community as a serving float. To achieve this, you need a travel time of about ½ jama from Kota Blitar. In this place you can play water until satisfied, photos or just ngadem pretty. The sand is white, making Turkish Serang different from other beaches in Blitar. So it seems to go in the list of destinations wisatamu ya!
6. Peh Pulo Beach
Peh Pulo Beach, also known by the name of White Sand Beach is located at the Village Sumbersih, District Panggungrejo. As the name suggests this white sandy beach with blue sea, the beach there are lots of coral islands that make it look like Raja Ampat. Clear blue water are increasingly making this beach looks stunning. The sand is white and clean. Exploring Peh Pulo Beach is an activity that is fun. In the vicinity of this beach there are hills that allow us to get an amazing view of the landscape. Peh Pulo beach itself consists of several parts of the beach where each has its own name. Among other things Wedhi Beach Ombo, Wedhi Collapsed and Wedhi Twins. The location of this beach is located in the village of Sumbersih, stagnation Stage
7. Beach Pangi

Other beaches in Blitar are no less interesting to visit is the beach of Pangi. Meskpiun access to the beach is quite difficult, atmosphere offered by Turkish Pangi will be a strong reason why you should come here. The beach is located in the village of Pangi Tumpakkepuh, District Bakun. The distance is about 40 km from the city center Blitar. The location of this beach is about 10 km from the Turkish Tambakrejo. The sand on this beach with the waves were gray-colored. Pangi beach is suitable for use as a camping ground. Where we can easily get clean water. In addition on one side there is also a river with very clear water. Besides the beach is often used for activities like social service nature lovers. If you want to stay on this beach, you must clean up what you bring. So that the cleanliness and beauty of this beach is maintained
8. Bannerman Beach Waru

Bannerman beach Waru Sidomulyo Located in the Village, District Hyacinths, Blitar. The beach is named beach Umbul Waru and arguably one of the beaches are quite narrow compared to other beaches in Blitar. In this place you can ngadem while watching the waves and the birds chasing each other. Because the waves are relatively large current, do not swim yes ... enough at the edges only. You still can enjoy the universe of Blitar beautiful cliffs in Turkish Bannerman Waru.
9. Waterfall Coban Wilis

Waterfall Coban Wilis is a list of tourist attractions in Blitar that you should visit. Waterfall Coban Willis is located in the area of Mount Kelud or Gandusari Cement Ecological Tourism Village, precisely in the village of Cement, District Gandusari. The waterfall is not easy to achieve because you have to walk up and down the 5 hill about two hours, during the trip to the waterfall you will find two waterfalls that you can not accomplish.
10. Niagara Sirah Kencong

Niagara Kencong Sirah is in a tea plantation area head oblique, precisely located in the village of Ngadirenggo District Whitianga. To get to the waterfall you have to be careful because the environment is pristine and walk over to the waterfall you will pass the wilderness.
11. Niagara Jurug Bening
Niagara Jurug Bening is located in the hamlet Sumberdadi, Purworejo, District Wates, Blitar. Jurug route to get to it in the direction toward the beach Jolosutro, but after the intersection Binangun, the switch to the right toward Bantengan Market. One route that can be passed are: Blitar-Lodoyo-Binangun- Bantengan Market-Purworejo. Roads that start from the beginning of the trip until Binangun market is quite easy because it was dominated by an asphalt road. Arriving at the Market Bantengan we take the direction to the right (west) follow the asphalt road passable seamless approximately 500m to reach the hamlet Sumberdadi, Purworejo, road traversed has turned into asphalt roads damaged eroded by rainwater and continued with the rebate concrete around 500 m. Arriving at the second intersection turn left (south) stuck up to the last houses.
12. Niagara Correia

Niagara is located in the village Grenjeng Balerejo, District Panggungrejo, Blitar. Because the location is quite hidden, waterfall Granjeng still rarely visited. In this place you will disuguhan natural scenery of Blitar truly captivating. You can also swim and shower under a waterfall grujugan. Niagara Grenjeng location in the village of Balerejo, District Panggungrejo, Blitar. Unique waterfall. Although located in Blitar south, the waterfall is a poor reflection of the karst ecosystems commonly found in the region. Not a limestone cliff that will be encountered here, but rock solid black breccia.
13. Waterfall Curug Muncar

Muncar Curug Waterfall is located in the village of Hyacinths, District Hyacinths, Blitar. His name is still not well known in East Java, but beauty really can not be doubted. Fairly easy because the access road is paved. In this place you can ngadem while pictures with a girlfriend or a true friend. The interesting thing is; in Curug Moncar you will find endemic animals decapod (small crabs) and a collection of climbers fish hiding under rocks. This fish is unique, because it could live on land for a few minutes. Unfortunately, Curug Moncar still can not Blitar regency attention as a tourist destination.
14. Niagara Tirto Galuh

A waterfall with captivating charm of this community better known Blitar Kedung Malang. It is located in the village Sidomulyo, District Hyacinths, Blitar. Located not too far from Monument Trisula Blitar. Here you'll see the scenery is still very beautiful. Nature is cool, the air is fresh and melodious birdsong would make you linger here. Day by day, Niagara Tirto Galuh increasingly visited by tourists from outside the city of Blitar.
15. Niagara Lawean

Niagara Lawean located in Parang village, Village Cement, Gandusari district, Blitar. This waterfall is located in the area of plantation WilianSchmitz, to go to the waterfall is easier than two waterfalls that I discussed above. The waterfall has a height of approximately 25 meters and is divided into two parts, the first of three streams, but not heavy, just a second flow and rain.
16. Cave Embultuk
Embultuk cave is a natural cave that is in it is full of stalagmites and stalactites, and is one of the most beautiful caves in the world. Embultuk cave is located in the village Tumpakkepuh, Hyacinths districts, south of the city of Blitar with a distance of about 40 km. The length of this cave was about 1500 meters wide and stands about 3 meters. Along approximately 1.5km, the charm of stalactites and stalagmites will make visitors feel at home with an impressive atmosphere, and the gurgling sound of water droplets on the walls of the cave tap funds will add a natural feel. Tourism cave is visited by many tourists, especially during school holidays, and the path to the cave had been renovated so it can be passed by four-wheeled vehicles.
17. Cave Luweng

Tourist destination some time later bloom discussed in this medsos located in the hamlet Prodo, Ngrejo Village, District Kademangan, Blitar. To achieve this you will need a travel time of about 1 to 2 hours from the city of Blitar. What's interesting about this is tampat; their small waterfall in a cave. Well, at least there are 10 small waterfall in a cave which became iconic of the Cave Luweng.
18. Temple Simping
Candi Simping or Sumberjati temple is a temple located in Sumberjati, Blitar, Indonesia. This temple is the tomb of Raden Wijaya who died in 1309. The affirmation of the existence of candiini written in the Book Negarakertagama CANTO XLVII third part. Simping temple is located about 3 km from Ganesha statue Boro. Simping temple itself is relatively easy to achieve because it is located in the path to the beach and Caves Embultuk Tambakrejo.
19. Temple Penataran

Upgrading temple is the largest temple complex in East Java. Located at the foot of Mount Kelud, you will find natural desires that are so cool in the Temple area Upgrading. The temple, which is one of the tourist attractions in Blitar this famous old has historical value. Historically, this temple has stood in the era of the three kingdoms of the archipelago, namely Kediri, Singhasari, and Majapahit. Tourist attractions in Blitar this one is the place where the king appointed and also a place of worship ceremony at the Creator. Upgrading temple in local legend believed to be the place where Gajah Mada utter his famous oath, namely Palapa Oath, an oath to unite the archipelago under the auspices of Majapahit.
Figure 20. Candi Wetan
is a temple located in Blitar, East Java. Candi Wetan Image is located about 7 km north Penataran, while Penataran located about 12 Km north of Blitar. There is no public transportation that can transport tourists specifically directly to Candi Wetan Fig. But could only ride the sand truck headed toward the mining of sand called "laharan" in the south garden Sewu. Candi Wetan Image became a tourist destination in Blitar hereinafter history. Panorama around a tourist attraction is very beautiful and cool and are in the area of coffee plantations Fig. At the location of the lower tourism ('s South) directly visible network of rivers of lava from the crater of Kelud.
21. Temple Kotes
Temple Kotes teletak Kotes Village, District Gandusari, Blitar, East Java. Based on the name would we have thought that the name of the temple is named after the village Kotes. The temple, which was founded in 1302 AD is a valuable asset of the village Sukosewu itself, has a beautiful temple. This temple is still a brother of Penataran temple, the temple is located in the district Nglegok, Blitar, which is more famous. However, although more famous Penataran Temple, Temple Kotes turned out to be older than Penataran temple, which is about 8 years older.
22. Temple Sawentar
Sawenter temple is another temple which also can be visited in Blitar. This temple was never an area of the temple, but the Court held historical value of this temple makes it quite interesting to visit. Candi Sawentar has dimensions of length 9.53 m, width 6.86 m and height of 10.65 m, indoor booth Sawentar temple we will find the ruins of the statue of the sculpture resembles an eagle which incidentally is on the vehicle of the Hindu god in Hindu mythology , Thus, it can be concluded that this Sawentar temple is a Hindu-style temple. The location is in the village of Candi Sawentar Kawentar, District Kanigoro, Blitar
23. Arca Warak
This site is not very well-known and not too attractive for tourists, but for history lovers Arca warak became a tourist destination in Blitar which must be visited. Its location in the village of Modangan, District Nglegok, Blitar. The site is located ± 2 km in northeast temple Upgrading. On site Warak Arca also found various other artifacts such as stone temple, jaladwara, waterless, and mortar. Jaladwara is a building element that serves to drain the water. Jaladwara usually shaped like Makara on the building of the temple, but jaladwara the largest Warak Arca is unique when compared to jaladwara in general, the shape of an elephant.
24. Arca Gaprang
Arca Gaprang located in the village Gaprang, District Kanigoro, Blitar. The location of the group of statues is very convenient, from the entrance gate of Blitar southeastern part that is close to the intersection 511 please go to the east, approximately 2 km you will find the signs to the group this statue, rather you have to turn right and about 100 meters from the highway, before you are going to find this place. There are several collections of statues are maintained baek under a small building, the park is located right in front of the building was also looks beautiful and clean.
25. Kebon Rojo Blitar

Kebon Rojo, which has an official name Kebonrejo Tourism Park, located in the heart of the city of Blitar. Its location just west of Blitar mayor's official residence. This is the tourist attractions in Blitar, which is always crowded with people, especially on weekends. On certain days, Park Kebonrejo also be used as a children's events, including children's painting contest, children's entertainment, and more. Relax and play is a selection of the most interesting activities in this place. Eating snacks and meals that are sold in the area of Kebon Rojo is another option that is not less exciting.
26. Dams Planer

If from the center of the town of Blitar, then the tourists who want to visit the dam should be a distance of about 25 kilometers more. Planer dam is contained in District Kanigoro, precisely in Desai named Gogodeso located in the hamlet of Planer. There are 7 floodgate stem Brantas to the benefit of hydropower plants and the Power Plant. On it was a 30 meter long bridge over which the bridge is exactly what connects the village with the Village Brass Gogodeso. Planer Dam function which also served as a bridge can be used by the local community as an alternative road and when you search carefully, there is a garden which our eyes can catch on the north side. The visitors who are curious can try to stop there to complete the journey and experience in dam during this Planer. There is a village called Lodoyo and it is known that the village is bordered by South Sea directly. Indeed, the landscape around at this dam should not be to pass up.
27. Soko Rafting Adventure
Rafting Soko is the right location for those who want to test the adrenaline. These attractions are located in Blitar. Here, you can enjoy the river along the 9 km difficulty level grade two and three in rafting. This vehicle is also suitable for those who are a novice in rafting. If you like to travel the adrenaline rush, do not also miss the opportunity to try the thrill of rafting Rafting in Soko Soko Adventure. Its location in the village of Tegalasri, District Wlingi. There are two rivers that we can choose to do the river rafting here Tiko and Lekso River. In addition to rafting, on Adventure Soko also menyedikan place for outbound and camping. With these facilities Soko Adventure to be a very cool-call utuk better with friends
28. Hair Telaga Monte
Natural tourist destinations Blitar is located in the village of Krisik, District Gandusari. The distance is approximately 30 km from the town of Blitar. Here you will be presented with a view of the green tea plantations and paddy fields setemmpat. What's interesting about this place is; the existence of a lake, temples, and ruins are quite different from other tourist attractions in East Java. You can ngadem here, sit back and relax while enjoying the wind will mengugurkan penatmu. Oh yes, despite the clear water it, you are not allowed to swim, loh. Kok? For in that there is a fish pond, which local people call Fish Gods. In addition to the lake, there is also a Hindu temple and a waterfall in this region. Enjoy relaxing in the gazebo while you feel the cool air and the green slopes of Mount Kelud sights.
29. Captive Deer Maliran
Deer exciting place to play in Maliran, in this place you and the kids can play with the deer, you can feed up close. Its location is dikecamatan Ponggok Blitar. Maliran famous artificial forest with homogeneous crops such as trees sambi that meets the overlay land. You will find 200 deer living freely roam there. The fees you have to pay is also very cheap, only 2,000 rupiah per adult and 1,000 rupiah for children. In captivity deer are gazebo, playground and food stalls for those who want to eat after a tired walking around. So you can relax with a picnic while enjoying a view of the deer herd.
30. Agro Karangsari

Agrowisata blimbing in Blitar, or rather in Karangsari village, District Sukorejo. In Agro Karangsari there are two types of star fruit are cultivated that kind of Bangkok and the Philippines. Here, you can pick their own leatherback will you take home or you can also membelioleh typical souvenirs made from starfruit like dodol, sweets, chips, syrup until the jam. In Blitar famous fruit is Blimbing. Here you can see and harvest their own blimbing-blimbing with Jumbo size. In Agro Karangsari there are two types of star fruit are cultivated that kind of Bangkok and the Philippines. Here, you can pick their own leatherback will you take home or you can buy typical souvenirs made from starfruit like dodol, sweets, chips, syrup until the jam.
31. Kampung Brown
Brown Kampung travel information in Blitar actually I can from a motorcycle taxi driver. Here you can learn the process pengelolahan brown fruit up into a chocolate bar. There is a special room where you can get education about chocolate. On the other side of the place you can see the seeds of cacao from the age of 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, to the already fruitful ..
32. Cement Blitar Tourism Village
You are going on vacation to the nature and Ecological in Blitar? Semen village place. The location is about 5 km south of the tourist area of Monte Hair, close to rafting rides and is 35 km from Kota Blitar. Entering the area of Natural and Ecological Tourism Village "Puspa Universe", visitors are greeted with a gazebo that is filled with a variety of wild orchids flower decoration iconic village of Cement. Kampung activists Nature and Ecology "Puspa Universe" is all around the village youth who are members of the community "Puspa Universe". The village with an area of approximately 1079.12 hectares. It is divided into four hamlets, namely Parang Dusun, Dusun Tegalrejo, Cement Dusun, Dusun Goddess with administrative center located in the hamlet Tegalrejo.
33. Nature Paco
Nature Paco location in the village Panataran, Nglegok, Blitar. The location of these attractions is strategic because it is between a tourist attraction temple complex Upgrading and Candi Wetan Fig. In addition, the location of this object is also located on the edge of the alternative pathway Blitar - Heritage Kelud. In general, the route to Nature Paco is: Blitar - Nglegok - T-junction before the entrance to the tourist area of Upgrading to the right (towards Plantation Sewu) - Nature Paco. Natural Wiasata Paco is open every day from 06.00 pm until 16.00 pm. To enjoy the beauty of Nature Paco, visitors only pay Rp. 3.000, -.
34. Kedung Entong
Natural tourist destinations, this relatively new in Blitar. The place is still very quiet and rarely outside the area which travelers come. Indeed, the location is quite hidden to make Kedung Entong fitting place to eliminate fatigue. Its location in the village of Pulerejo, Kecamata Hyacinths, Blitar. To reach this place you can get through these Blitar - Kademangan - Suruhwadang - Maron and Pulerejo. Having reached the village Pulerejo, you can ask the locals where the Kedung Entong.
35. Monument PETA
If you like tales of heroic, do not miss to stop at the Monument Monument Supriyadi aka PETA. Homeland Defense Forces Voluntary originally was established by the Japanese, but with a number of soldiers PETA Supriyadi fomenting rebellion in Blitar, unable to bear to see the suffering compatriots who became romusha. This is why it is referred to as the city of Blitar PETA. Until now, Supriyadi indeed are unknown. But you can commemorate the national hero's heroic action through Monument and Museum Homeland Defense, located in Jalan Sudanco Supriyadi, Village Bendogerit, District Sananwetan, not far from the Tomb of Bung Karno and Gebang Palace. Through the museum, you can see a diorama of the role of MAP towards independence.
36. Sirah tea plantations Kencong
You may not find a beautiful lake in the plantation district Kencong Sirah this, but your eyes will be pampered with a panoramic view of green tea plantation on the slopes of Gunung Kawi, precisely in the Village Ngadirenggo, District Wlingi, Blitar. The location can you accomplish by taking approximately 36 km to the east of the center of Blitar. In addition to tea, you can also enjoy a waterfall Sirah Kencong or also known as the waterfall Wana Tirta Kencana, and Temple Sirah Kencong at an altitude of 1,200 masl.
37. Gebang Palace
Or Ndalem Gebang Gebang Palace is a place of childhood Bung Karno, is approximately 2 km from the Tomb of Bung Karno complex, can be reached only by rickshaws are widely available there. This is the place to stay both parents Bung Karno, a house that is still visited by many people, especially in June. In this house visitors are invited back to the past when the young Sukarno spent most of his teenage years. The legacy of the furniture full of memories seemed to fill this old house. In addition to the house, you can find art galleries formerly used by artists as a place of expression. Each year, the former residence of Mrs. Soekarmini Ward sister of Bung Karno's a place to hold memorial Bung Karno haul filled with popular entertainment.
38. Tomb of Bung Karno Blitar
Makam Bung Karno Bendogerit located in the village, located about 3 km north of the city of Blitar. Bung Karno's tomb stands in vast areas of land. To be able to get into the tomb of Bung Karno, you do not charge admission. Inside the tomb complex, the place became the last funeral Bung Karno on a building Joglo, typical building Java. That is the tomb of Bung Karno, which is flanked by the grave of his parents, father and mother on the left to the right. If you are traveling to Blitar on this one, you'll find the library in the graveyard, a place that holds a lot of books and writing Bung Karno. In this library, you can get to know the figure of Bung Karno in more depth. In addition to the library, there is also the Museum of Bung Karno that store the objects belonging to Bung Karno.
39. Water Park Source Udel Blitar

Udel Source Water Park is one of the tourist attractions in Blitar more crowded people. This is the largest water park in residency Kediri, East Java. Many travelers from Tulungagung and Kediri come even from play to tamar water in Blitar. There are two pools there, for children and adults. Water Park Sumberudel have good facilities, of which there is a children's playground, Happy Stage featuring the distinctive art of Blitar each year, adequate parking, as well as leasing and tool storage pools. Clean water is one of the charms of this water park in Blitar. playground family in Blitar you should Sumberudel Water Park. The water playground is one of the favorite tourist attractions in Blitar for children and families.