10 Charm Beautiful Nias Island Tourism

10 Charm Beautiful Nias Island Tourism

A deevaTravel - Nias is an island covering an area of 4,624 square kilometers located in the west of the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. The island is inhabited by a majority tribe Nias (Ono Niha) still have a culture Megalithic . On this island you can enjoy 10 Enchantment Tours Beautiful mainly perform activities of surfing, which is one of the 10 best surf spots in the world. 

On the island of Nias you can watch traditional house Megalithic relics in the village Orahili, Watching Tradition Stone jumping and war dance that can only find on the island of Nias.

1. Sorake


Sorake is a most beautiful tourist beach on the island of Nias. The beach is located in the district of Teluk Dalam, South Nias, North Sumatra is famous for big waves are very suitable for surfing (surfing). Many foreign surfers come to this beach to follow the surfing competitions or Nias Open every year. 

2. Turkish Lagundri

Turkish Lagundri

Similarly Sorake, Turkish Lagundri addition to having a view of the beach which is very unusual white sand is very clean and the view of the sunset which is amazing, surf this beach is also quite large for dealing directly with the Pacific Ocean and is also a meeting place for the bay so that the waves are coming will be even greater.

The beach is also included 10 Places In The World Surfing this wave of up to 7-10 meters with five levels. Many world-class surfers come to this place to surf and windsurf Nias Open Championship every year.

For those of you who want to enjoy the beautiful panorama as well as doing surfing should come around June or July. Because in this weather and surf beach is good-good.  

3. Coastal Laowomaru

Turkish Laowomaru

Although Turkish Laowomaru directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean, but the beach is not high waves similar to those contained in Sorake and Lagundri Beach. Laowomaru beach has calm surf beach. So you can safely apat doing beach activities such as surfing and swimming.

Not only that, the exoticism of Turkish Laowomaru still very natural. Surrounded by green trees that shade makes about this beach is cool and comfortable.

4. Turkish Gawu Soyo

Turkish Gawu Soyo

The beach with the color of sand pink is located in the village of Ombolata, Afulu North Nias. The popularity of Red Beach Afulu is not located on the waves had dozens of meters high as well as on Sorake and Lagundri Beach in South Nias, because in this Afulu Red Beach is absolutely no high waves for surfing activities. However, the species of turtle is a turtle is rare in Indonesia the main attraction for tourists who visit there. Therefore, many tourists who visit Red Beach Afulu is not to engage in surfing, but just enjoy the beach atmosphere while adventuring along the coastal areas to see a rare turtle is sometimes out of their habitats and across pantai.Bila visit to the island of Nias, it's a shame if they do not take the time to visit this blood red sandy beach.

Even at the beach Gawu Soyo , you can enjoy interesting trips are offered to visit the famous tourist objects on the island of Nias. You can enjoy cultural tourism (traditional house in the village Tumori and Bawomataluo, even an overnight stay at this traditional house; attractions skip rocks and traditional dances of Nias)

5. Beach Foa

Turkish Foa

Foa beach is one of the most stunning beaches on the island of Nias. The beach with white sand is very soft and natural scenery is so beautiful and very charming to refresh your mind and your eyes and for a moment. 

A visit to the beach, you can take the family because the beaches are still beautiful and very soothing, you and your family will feel comfortable, quiet and feels like in paradise.   

6. Muara Indah

Muara Indah

Muara Indah is one of the attractions on the island of Nias. It lies at the mouth of the river to create an atmosphere ekostisme very tempting. The place is visited by tourists especially at night. In this place you can enjoy a variety of foods from marine catches gerapu such as fish, squid, shrimp, crab, mud and various other kinds of seafood while enjoying the panoramic beauty of nature at Muara Indah with a variety of marine tourism facilities there. 

In addition Muara Indah Nias often hold arts and cultural performances, and other ceremonial events. 

7. Nias Heritage Museum

Nias Heritage Museum

Nias Heritage Museum is one container to preserve the cultural values ​​of Nias which was founded in 1972 by one of the Catholic Church Missionary named Pastor Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap already started collecting objects of culture, art and history of the people of Nias. Over time, more and more number of collection, and carefully he noted names and their uses. Of the many collections owned by the Pastor Johannes propose to the Board of his order that the Capuchin Order Sibolga Province to establish the Museum of Nias.

After standing Nias Heritage Foundation, a foundation and then make contact with the Directorate of Museum. Through the Director of Museum Nias Heritage Foundation finally obtain complete instructions. Finally through a decree of Nias Regent KDH Tk. I Nias, exit Building Permit (IMB) Nias Heritage Museum with the number: 646.1 / 626 / SK / 1992 which consists of 4 (four) pavilion and 1 (one) special pavilion where a collection of stone megaliths.

From the results of the Nias Heritage Foundation reporting to the Directorate of Museum and for establishment of the Nias Heritage Museum to Kakanwil Depdikbud Prop. North Sumatra, on the date. 16 September 1993 Establishment License issued by the Nias Heritage Museum Kakanwil Depdikbud Prop. North Sumatra with the number: 7009 / I05 / J / 93.14.

In this museum there is also a flora and fauna very rare rare alias beginning to be realized extinction. You will find a wide range of animals from the wild, rare and unique as crocodiles, parrots Nias and much more.

Nias Heritage Museum does maintain some kind of fauna Nias that has to do with myths or fairy tales and is often portrayed as a symbol to express an idea, for example: snakes, crocodiles, deer, monkeys, lizards, turtles, deer, parrots, etc. , All animals are maintained in the Nias Heritage Museum complex.
Besides, the museum has a program aimed at environmental preservation through training in the use of traditional medicinal plants Nias.

8. Jump Batu Nias

Jump Batu Nias

Jump Batu Nias or Fahombo or Hombo Stone is a traditional sport Nias tribe which is a rite of passage Nias tribe. Currently Nias Stone Jump into a tourist attraction traditional unique and strange, the young man with clothes tradisioanl Nias tribe must jump over two meters high stone with a thickness of 40 centimeters for an adult is said to be.

At first stones to be skipped in fahombo shaped like a pyramid monument with a flat top surface. Height not less than 2 meters, 90 cm wide and 60 cm long. Jumpers not only have to jump over piles of stones, but he also must have the technique for landing, because if he landed with the wrong position can cause muscle injuries or fractures. 

In the past, even a rock on a board covered with nails and stakes, which shows how serious this ritual in the eyes Tribe Nias . Tactical battle, tradition fahombo also means training young warriors for agile and nimble in jumping over the walls of their enemy's defenses, with a torch in one hand and a sword in the evening.

9. Tourism Village Orahili

Tourism Village Orahili

Orahili Tourism Village is the region's oldest megalithiukum Indonesia.Desa which has existed since the 1000-1500 years BC is precisely when Zaman Neolithicuk (Batu Muda). This is evidenced by the many relics of megalithic village Orahili such as various types and forms of human statues, stone, arranged upright, flat stone and much more.

10. Hinako Islands Nias

Hinako Islands Nias

This what we call "Paradise" Island Hinako which consists of eight islands that are close together with characteristic and uniqueness that makes a very intriguing magnet for tourists. 

On this island you can do activities snoorkeling and diving to see the underwater beauty of the island. Various types of coral reef, coral, colorful fish, to treat the charming underwater Hinako islands of Nias. In addition you can also do fishing with large fish in very challenging.   

Well that's 10 Most Beautiful Charm Travel Nias Island that you should visit and see. Because only in Nias Island you can enjoy the charm of Marine Tourism , Culinary and Culture is very amazing.  


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