Sukabumi is a region located in the province of West Java. Sukabumi is divided into two areas, namely Kota Sukabumi Sukabumi, Sukabumi town is one-on-one cities with smallest area in West Java. whereas Sukabumi District, is a district in Tatar Pasundan. The capital is Palabuhanratu. Sukabumi district is the second largest district in the island of Java after Banyuwangi in East Java Province. The district borders Bogor regency in the north, Cianjur regency in the east, the southern Indian Ocean, as well as Lebak regency in the west.
Sukabumi itself is an area that has a myriad of sights very beautiful such as natural attractions, beaches and historical attractions are all in Sukabumi, if you want a vacation this is where the ideal, guaranteed you will not be disappointed, especially if you are visiting with relatives, a couple or a family vacation you will be guaranteed to be more fun.
Here's 45 Best Places list in Sukabumi mandatory must-visit if you're visiting Sukabumi.
1. Turkish Cibangban
Cibangban beach is a beach is clean and has the characteristics of waves quieter when compared to Pelabuhan Ratu beach. This beach is located approximately about 10 km from Pelabuhan Ratu. To achieve Cibangban Beach location, you must take the road to Cisolok. Travel time from Pelabuhan Ratu approximately 1 hour. , Cleanliness at the beach is fairly well preserved, and the waves were even more quiet so it can be used for swimming. If you want to stay, do not need to worry because there are many hotels and cottages along the beach. In addition to the beautiful natural scenery Cibangban Coast has sea water so clear and clean. If you come on holidays this place gets very crowded with visitors.
2. Coastal Edge tiles
Coastal Edge tiles are a beautiful beach which also has a green turtle breeding. The beach is located in District Ciracap, about 220 KM from Jakarta, this beach is quite far away, but you will not be disappointed when witnessed firsthand the white sandy beach with rolling waves on the beach Edge tiles. In addition you can also surf and fishing at this beach. Coastal Edge tiles offer a natural harmony that can treat all the fatigue of daily routines. Here you can surf and fishing. This tile Ujung Beach famous "Seven Waves" which became a favorite of surfers, if you are down the beach by the beach you will find a turtle breeding and nightly turtle rose to the beach to lay eggs.
3. Coastal Cimaja

The beach is located in the village Cimaja Cimaja, about 10 KM from Pelabuhan Ratu, Cimaja Beach offers beautiful scenery with big waves yet secure so it is suitable for surfing sports activities. Many people who visit the beach Cimaja say that the beach is not lost, even nicer than the beaches in Bali. No wonder there are many foreign tourists who come to visit this beach, most of them are surfers. The beauty of this place is already very well known. Besides pontensinya as a place to surf, beach Cimaja basically does have the charm of a beautiful beach. Besides watching the actions of the surfers, you can also enjoy the atmosphere of the beach with a water play because the waves on the beach is quite safe to swim
4. Turkish Citepus
The beach is located in the port area Cipetus sukabumi queen. Citepus beach is located on the edge of the highway Cisolok-Pelabuhan Ratu. Expanse of white sand extends up to 5 kilometers providing vast tracts of land to play. Waves on the beach is very large less suitable for swimming, but travelers can still play water with the waves at certain points that are considered the safest. Citepus beach known as monkey market, has a beautiful coastal antai and suitable for bathing and bermanja fun with the waves. that is so cool breeze makes the eyes will feel sleepy.
5. Beach Cibongkok

Cibongkok beach, located on the South Shore Sukabumi. Being on the west coast of Sukabumi, and directly adjacent to the province of Banten. To achieve this, must pass through the stone destroyed, as indeed for any of nice paved for passing only trucks stone building. The atmosphere is barren, arid, and rare trees. However, the stretch of sea is clean and turquoise as soothing eye. Here, the state of a rock beaches. Not rock, but really expanse of stone. The size of all sorts. From the small size of marbles, baseball, until the size of a melon. The color, though dominated by gray, black, red, blue, but also white. These stones seemed to have no end diseroki miners.
6. Beach Cipanarikan
Cipanarikan beach is a beach located in Ujung Genteng Sukabumi. This beach has a characteristic with a coastline and has a wide sand beach. This Cipanarikan beaches including one of the beaches that could be considered hidden in Ujung Genteng, Sukabumi. However, all will pay off with a beauty that will mate traveler witnessed when he arrived at this Cipanarikan beach. The scenery is incredible between meetings seawater and freshwater estuary here, white sand stretching as desert.
7. Amanda Beach Queen

Turkish Amanda Queen Located on Highway Edge Tile, Village Purwasedar, Ciracap, Sukabumi, West Java. On the beach there are also some villas you can rent if you want to spend the night and enjoy the sunset at the beach amanda queen. Here we can enjoy the sea off the Indian Ocean with waves deboran captivating.
8. Seven Waves Beach
This seven waves coast in the region Jampang - Edge Tile travel region. The beach is named Seven Waves Beach by foreign travelers because the waves on the beach is said to be able to reach seven levels became a favorite with the fans surfing. Access to the beach is quite difficult to achieve. You have to pass through the forest as well as three shallow river estuary. But the beauty of this beach has to offer will surely pay for everything.
9. Beach Cibuaya
Cibuaya beach is a beach located in the tourist area of Edge tiles. Edge Tile itself is known to have a lot of unique tourist attractions and interesting. If a visit to this tourist area, you can stop by the Beach Cibuaya. Here you can enjoy the beach so quiet and very comfortable for splashing and swimming.
10. Pangumbahan Beach
Pangumbahan beach has waves that can reach 2-3 meters which is very fitting for beramain surfing. The beach is very beautiful with white sand and the water is clean enough. It turns out this beach also has its own uniqueness. Pangumbahan beach is the location of breeding green turtle (Chelonia mydas). At night, you can see turtles lay their eggs directly on the beach Pangumbahan and if lucky, you can watch the activities of the release of hatchlings-hatchlings (baby turtles) to the beach.
11. Pelabuhan Ratu beach
Pelabuhan Ratu is the name of a district in Sukabumi which is about 60 km from the city of Sukabumi, in Pelabuhan Ratu area, there are several beaches with a variety of different characters, so visitors can choose whichever is preferred beach for vacation. Pelabuhan Ratu beach is a beach is very popular in Sukabumi. Pelabuhan Ratu beach is known for strong waves, there are steep cliffs, steep, and ramps. Although the waves are not suitable for swimming, but the charm of Pelabuhan Ratu beach will remain eligible to become a tourist destination of choice in Sukabumi. In addition, there is also a nature reserve forest around Pelabuhan Ratu beach. Recreational facilities at Pelabuhan Ratu dintaranya there are several locations for surfing, namely in Batu Garam, Karang Sari, Ocean Beach, Cimaja, Karang Haji, Indicator, Sunset Beach, Seven Waves up Edge tiles. For family also fits well with the atmosphere of this rocky beach, enjoying the scenery while enjoying delicious seafood beach or bathing in hot water bath Cipanas, Pelabuhan Ratu.
12. Coral Coast Hawu
Hawu Karang Beach is a beach located in Sukabumi and has a long coastline. One can visit and have a nice scenery is Hawu Coral Coast. The beach is 75 kilometers from the city center or precisely located in the region of Pelabuhan Ratu. Giving the name derived from the existence Hawu Coral reefs around the coast which is similar to the shape hawu or furnace. In the vicinity of the beach there are small hills sacred citizens as trustworthy as petilasan Nyi Roro Kidul, the queen ruler south coast of Java. Apart from the mystical stories sights in Coral Coast Hawu very cool indeed. Travelers can go swimming, fishing, surfing, or just lounging around the beach. There are facilities such as hotels, mini market, food stalls, prayer room, parking area, surfing equipment, souvenir stalls, and fruits.
13. Curug Awang Sukabumi
Curug Awang Ciletuh located in the district of Sukabumi. This place presents nature unspoiled and beautiful. Curug Awang has a height of about 40 meters with a 60-meter wide shape. In the dry season the waterfall flows only at the corner of the cliff with a position that is lower. But during the rainy season, along the cliffs can be drained of water so as to show the appearance like Niagara Falls. This waterfall has a beautiful view and a fresh atmosphere. Curug Awang is one Ciletuh waterfall of the river flow. In addition to this there are 2 Curug Curug Another highlight is the waterfall and waterfall Manik Central Area of the watershed Ciletuh.
14. Curug Cikaso

Cikaso waterfall is located in Kampung Cinti Ds Cibitung Cibitung Sukabumi district. To go to this location you have to pass through the valley some distance away. Curug Cikaso located in Cibitung Village, District Surade, Sukabumi. This waterfall is located not far from the tourist area of the tip of the tile, so after you enjoy the beach end of the tile you can go to the waterfall Cikaso and vice versa. From the parking area you can go to the waterfall Cikaso with two choices of using a boat or on foot. Water is supplied from the waterfall itself Cikaso streams so that people are more familiar with the name of the waterfall Cikaso. The waterfall is quite high about 30 meters with a heavy flow of water natural pools plus turquoise charming.
15. Curug Cibeureum

Curug Cibeureum is in the national park area is big pangrango Sukabumi district. To get to the site you have to pass the national park area is big and waterfalls anatar distance to the entrance of the national park is about 500 meters. Curug Cibeureum water waterfall has a height of 54 meters and is in the conservation area of the National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango (TNGP), with a height of about 1050 meters above sea level (asl).
16. Curug Sawer
Curug Sawer is located in the tourist area of the mountain there Kadudampit Sukabumi district. Area waterfall there is also a wide range of villas that you can rent. This waterfall has a height of up to 25-30 meters. Curug Sawer included in forest management including RPH also Cipaku BKPH West Gede KPH Sukabumi. Here also encountered another waterfall, the waterfall Cimanaracun, which is the source of the waterfall Cimanaracun Situ Gunung lake. This waterfall is approximately 200 meters from the guesthouse Situgunung. This waterfall into the forest management area including RPH Cipaku BKPH West Gede KPH Sukabumi. Curug Sawer waterfall is the flow of water from Mount Gede Pangrango. Curug Sawer addition, there is also another waterfall which is above her like a waterfall Twins, Curug Curug Willy and Crooked.
17. Curug Cimarinjung
Cimarinjung waterfall has a height of about 45 meters is located not far from the beach in the bay Ciletuh Cimarinjung. Ciemas in the village, a few kilometers from the coast Palangpang. When entering into the village area Ciemas, Curug Cimarinjung already you can see. Rural atmosphere and natural paddy fields will soon greet you along the way. To reach the location of the point you have to walk down the path for 30 minutes. Curug high as 45 meters will be fielded abundant flow of water that change the scenery around to be so luxurious. Rock cliffs and rocks around the waterfall is reminiscent of the world inhabited Jurassic Park dinosaur.
18. Curug Cigangsa

Curug Cigangsa located Hamlet Village Batusuhunan Surade Surade Sukabumi district. This place is sekiatar 110 Km from the city center sukabumi. To visit the waterfall must use prahu. Curug Cigangsa more familiarly called Curug Luhur by local people. This waterfall has three levels and is formed by the earthquake that led to landslides. Has a small water discharge, because in the upstream dammed for irrigation. What's interesting about this place is you can see the stone walls are colored black and a stone called the Stone Masigit, or Masjid Batu. Here you can enjoy the beauty of the waterfall from two directions, from above and from below. In the colonial period locations around the waterfall is often used for fighters hiding place for a hidden location and is considered safe.
19. Central Curug Kabandungan

Curug Sentarl Kabandungan Jayanegara located in the village, Sukabumi District of Kebandungan. To go to the waterfall is also in need of a bit of a struggle to pass through the valley and tea plantations on foot. The trip to the waterfall, also has a beautiful view that can relieve your fatigue in walking.
20. Curug Sodong
Sodong or Penganten Curug Curug is located in the village of Ciwaru, Ciemas subdistrict, Sukabumi. Fairly good access to the road is paved. While visiting this place you will be presented with a view of rice fields are still very beautiful. Because the water is clean, Curug Sondong often used as the location for the activity tent. The unique design of the waterfall Sodong is the name that mamiliki many aliases or other names. Some of them are Cikanteh alias Curug Curug Curug Twins aka bride. Swimming under the waterfall is very tempting to use the bathroom, but you should still be careful. Contour of the land in an uneven which made it quite dangerous if not proficient really swim.
21. Curug Bibijilan
Curug Bibijilan jackfruit located in Kampung Lebak District of Sukabumi regency Nyalindung. This waterfall still looks natural and has clear water. to get to this location you have to pass the path by foot. Niagara Bibijilan located in the tourist area Buni Ayu and has a height of about 100 m with cold water and cool green Tosca slid from limestone rocks. This waterfall is stratified and each level can climb up to the peak. If the rainy season, the waterfall Bibijilan not allowed to be visited because of high water flow and quite heavy. This waterfall is also often used as an arena rock climbing and flying fox.
22. Curug Cirajeg

Curug Cirajeg somewhat foreign to tourists outside West Java, Sukabumi even himself. It lies in the middle of rice paddies make Cirajeg waterfall is unique and memorable. To achieve this, you will need a 2-hour travel time from Sukabumi. All you have to consider is: check your physical condition prior to this point. It is enough to exhaust to be hidden through the paths were confusing. But do not worry, all the way to this place you will be presented with the natural scenery of West Java is really poetic.
23. Curug Gentong
Gentong waterfall or a waterfall that has another name alias Curug Curug Tilu Waluran Flats is located in Kampung Cibalok, Waluran subdistrict, Sukabumi. Here the traveler will be entertained by a three-level waterfall is beautiful. Curug Gentong each level has a different name, you know. Starting from the top called Curug Gentong, Wrinkle waterfall and waterfall Goong. Although the location of this waterfall is near the highway but yet many a traveler who visited there.
24. Situ Gunung

Situ Gunung is a lake located in the District of Kadu Dampit, Sukabumi. Located at the foot of Mount Pangrango, sektiar 16 KM from Sukabumi, Situ Gunung is a very beautiful lake and green. This lake is one of the favorite locations for photographers Indonesia, as evidenced by the large number of images circulating Situ Gunung lake. Like a tourist lake, here you can play boats, picnicking, camping, fishing, and others. For the first time to Situ Gunung, I suggest do at night because the road to Situ Gunung still minimal lighting, but it is also less good mobile phone signal in this area.
25. Lake Batu Bacan
Bacan stone lake is a tourist area lakes located in Ds. Bojongharjo, district. Cikembar sukabumi. This lake has a characteristic green water. This lake was once a quarry run local residents. but over time berjlanya water suddenly appeared and flooded the mine area to terbnetuk menajdi beautiful lake just as it is today. Uniquely Bacan lake does not have that out of the water catchment bebetauan in sekellingnya, water was in the lake is being stored rainwater from previous years.
26. Situ Sukarame

Sukarame there is a lake located at the foot of Mount Salak. Natural scenery offered in the tourist area is very beautiful, the expanse of tea gardens that surround adds to the charm of the appeal of the landscape around. The air here was also very cool and fresh. Fishing and surfing are attractive natural activities to do in this situ. Sukarame there is a favorite destination visited by many people. Here you will be offered a beautiful view on the tourist area with a spread of tea gardens surrounding it. The air here is also very cool and fresh. Attractive natural activities carried out include fishing and surfing using a rope across it. These sights are commonly used as a campsite for kominitas scout. Greenery and surrounded by tea gardens were very spacious.
27. Kawah Ratu
Kawah Ratu Located on the slopes of Mount Salak, Kawah Ratu is an active crater steaming hot. Kawah Ratu is a favorite place for nature lovers due to reach the crater of the Queen, you have to travel a hike through the trail for approximately 3 hours. For novice climbers, it is advisable not to climb at night. Also, do not forget to bring a mountain climbing equipment such as slippers, umbrellas, compass, raincoat, flashlight, food supplies, and others. Not only local tourists who come for tours to the crater of the Queen but tourists from outside the region also many who come there to see the beauty of the crater queen. You try to keep a distance from the edge of the crater because the crater had extremely hot temperatures.
28. Cliffs Panenjoan

Panenjon cliffs are located in rural areas tamnajaya ciemas Sukabumi district, of these places you can enjoy the view from above the mainland sukabumi sekiatar cliff with a height of 250 meters above sea level. In language, panenjoan derived from Sundanese language that is from the word "Tenjo" which means seeing. With this height, you can see the charm of the natural beauty of the endless Ciletuh. to get to the accessibility of the place is not easy, you have to pass pelabhuan queen and continue using the boat for about 30 minutes and continue on foot along the path up till to this waterfall.
29. Mount Gede Pangrango

Tourism Gunung Gede Pangrango is the place that is very alluring. From the top, you can see the peak of Mount Anak Krakatau, Mount Sumatra, tea plantations and a recreation park. In the tourist area of Mount Gede, there are edelweiss flower plants, if you need recreation to restore the vitality of the body, you can try out the hot water bathing pool, relaxing around the lake, and bathe in the waterfall.
30. Mount Karang Coming
Coming Karang hill located in Sukabumi thunder Kecatamatan can you make as a ngecamp. And the night view from the heights was no less beautiful with views of hills stars in Yogyakarta. Located in the District of Thunder Mountain, Sukabumi. Hill some time later amid this trend in social media, are new for the tourists. Day by day, more and more climbers who visited the Mount Karang Coming. Its location is really cool to look at the beautiful city of Sukabumi from afar. You'll see a row of houses and rice fields that looked like a miniature. From here, you can see the beauty of Sukabumi from a height, row houses and the expanse of nature as being in the world of painting is so beautiful.
31. Peak Darma
Darma peak located in the village Girimukti, Ciemas, Sukabumi. Has a height of 230 meters above sea level. To achieve this you will take time approximately 2 hours late. What's interesting about this place is; in the first quarter of the journey you will be presented with a view villages and shady trees. There are also plantations galangal, turmeric, ginger and cloves. Believe me, boredom will not you feel when visiting the Peak Darma.
32. River Rafting Citarik
Citarik River Rafting is one of the most famous tourist Sukabumi. Many activities can be done here, such as rafting, flying fox, paint ball, team building, and others. Usually Citarik river used for recreational activities the company because it builds teamwork. For visitors who come with a small group, do not worry because visitors rafting on the river Citarik so much that can play rafting abuzz. For fans of rafting, this place certainly is not foreign anymore because the river has rapids Citarik indeed very fitting for rafting. The level of difficulty of rafting on the river Citarik enroll in classes III to class IV.
33. River Rafting Cicatih
Citatih river is an alternative adventure travel and teamwork in Sukabumi. Characters Citatih River with River Citarik very different. Citatih river has more water rushing, also a longer path, the river is wider, and the challenge was also more thrilling. Citatih river suitable for those who want adrenaline, because the River Citatih mmpunyai more exciting challenge. But for the beginner rafting, river Citarik better try it first. So thrilling adventure to begin. But when will try Cicatih river is really experienced. Beginners are advised menggunakna Citarak river is more convenient to try a new experience.
34. Hot Cikundul
Hot Cikundul the attractions which are visited in Sukabumi. These attractions suitable as a last tour while in Sukabumi. That's because when you are tired of walking around in a tourist spot in Sukabumi you can relieve your fatigue with a soak in the hot springs of this. The hot water is believed to eliminate foot fatigue, relieve itching and relieve joint pain. Not only that you will be fascinated circuitry mountains that surround the hot water bath. You can also see the river Cimandiri unique and interesting. Source uniqueness in hot water this is despite the rains, the water in the hot springs were still feels warm and hot.
35. Hot Water Cisolok
Cisolok hot water bath is one of the attractions that you must visit if you want to unwind or need to restore the spirit and energy of the body. Travel Cisolok hot water has a distinctive form of menyemburnya water from the three-point bursts of hot water. The water temperature is quite high, about 80 degrees Celsius. The location can be reached in less than 10 minutes from Pelabuhan Ratu beach through Jl. Cipatuburan Pelabuhanratu.
36. Cave Buniayu

Buniayu cave in Sukabumi where tourism is the most labor-intensive. Goa Buniayu is large and deep caves, to be able to enjoy throughout the challenge, you'll need a healthy and strong body. With a long journey in a cave about 5 hours, your energy will be drained because the terrain is taken not only in the form of straight road, but rather passes the lake mud, clinging to the edge of a cliff, rock-climbing, past the pile of stones, and others. During the trip in the cave, you will be able to enjoy the scenery that can not be met in the earth's surface, so it will be an unforgettable experience. Remember, only the able-bodied who can conquer the challenges of Goa Buniayu. In the cave, you will see sights that you can not meet in the earth's surface, will certainly make this a memorable experience. This tourist spot is the place that is suitable for backpackers who like the adventure.
37. Cave Lalay
Lalay cave is a cave of bats whose presence is not far from the beach Pelabuhan Ratu. Cave Lalay, you can see the beautiful sun sinking when you've been in the mouth of the cave. In the cave you can see various forms of stalagmites and stalactites that are still tears. Inside the cave there Lalay underground river that is often used by locals fishing shrimp. The location can be reached within 1-2 hours via Jl. National III and Jl. Piers II
38. Ancient Megalithic Site
Ancient Megalithic sites are historical sights you can visit tends Ancient Megalithic sites. These attractions inadvertently established since the discovery of several objects in Megalithic Sites Cengkuk. Due to the discovery that many suspect locations Megalithic Site at the time earlier to psuatnya era of megalithic culture toward Zama metal. Objects found there is a smoking pipe, barrel made of clay and the last one is the bowl of porcelain. The previous year there were also found a wide range of archaeological objects, namely, precisely in 2007 there was found a few objects like bronze with engraving India, the cup used as jewelery, pieces of sculpture shapes birds' legs and made of gold and the latter is a piece of a statue of Shiva. The object which was used as a spectacle when it is in these places.
39. Recreation Park Selabintana
Selabintana Recreation Park is a tourist spot Sukabumi which offers the beautiful atmosphere of the green mountains, this recreation park located at the foot of Mount Pangrango, about 7 km from the northern city of Sukabumi, equipped with various facilities supporting the tour. Selabintana Recreation Park is perfect for families who want to picnic in the lush green mountains. Facilities owned by Parks Recreation Selabintana namely: park, swimming pool, rooms, toilets, play areas, campsites, lodging, tea plantations, protected forests, ATV games, games flying fox, and other amenities. Here you will disiguhi garden tour with a vast lawn that you can use to roll-roll or on a mat with the family. The ambiance here is very cool, which makes it more comfortable to spend time here.
40. Mist Mountain Salak National Park

Salak mist mountain national park is a place of nature in sukabumi which has an area of 113 357 hectares is located on Highway Cipanas, District Kabandungan sukabumi. Area of protected forests, there are many waterfalls that you can visit. And streams in kawaan is still very clear that you can use to play the water with loved ones. This room is also in use as a campground area and outbound activities. Activity cpmersil video creation and also penilitian also often done in this area. This National Park is the best and the only one that has a complete forest on the island of Java. Rare animals that can be seen in TNGH is gibbon (Hylobates moloch), Javan (Presbytis comata), leopard (Panthera pardus), and the Javan hawk eagle (Spizaelus barteisi).
41. Kampung Ciptagelar
Ciptagelar village is a village that is about 650 years old with traditional hereditary so a visit to Kampung Ciptagelar will be an experience that is unique and unforgettable. Ciptagelar village located in the district Cisolok, Sukabumi. To be able to see the cultural attractions of Kampung Ciptagelar, you should pass fairly difficult journey. but all will be paid for Kampung Ciptagelar culture is the culture that you can not find in other areas. In this village too you will find a group of people who still hold high the ancestral traditions. Groups of people who live in this village called kasepuhan.Tempat people travel on this one too is a cultural heritage that is very well maintained and preserved.
42. Pondok Mist
Hazy lodge an other tourist destinations in Sukabumi must-visit tourist places that are here will offer you a wide variety of natural beauty and mountain air is still quiet and fresh. Not only that, visitors can see the tea plantations that stretched across the road to the lodge. You could say this cottage suitable for tourists who want to calm down and forget all the fatigue that is in the mind. To go to this place you have to travel about 12 km from the center of the city of Sukabumi. Mist cottage is widely called the PH. PH has cool weather and beautiful natural scenery deri PH because the location is located at an altitude of 1000 meters. Many of the activities that you can do here include camping, outbound and others. Hazy cottage was often used as a campsite for the event and the event Persami other campgrounds.
43. Geopark Ciletuh
Ciletuh Geopark is a tourist place in the city of Sukabumi is still fairly natural to treat the natural panorama that is very attractive, with a view of the mountains, beaches, hills, until the ancient rocks. Ciletuh Geopark is located in the District Ciemas. In this tourist area there are also waterfalls, among other Cimarinjung waterfall, waterfall Cikanteh, Curug Ngelay. and Peak Manik. Long journey to Geopark Ciletuh about 5 hours from the center of the city of Sukabumi. Here you'll be treated to a Geopark with a unique landscape. In this area, you can enjoy a variety of tourist attractions. There are many here like a waterfall waterfall Cimarinjung, Cikanteh, Sodong, Awang and Ngelay. There is even a little waterfall which got the nickname because of its shape like Niagara Niagara Falls, the waterfall Awang.
44. Waterboom Nagrak
Parks waterboom Nagrak sukabumi travel is the latest tourist park that is in love bumi.disini you can enjoy the rides and swimming koalm The love of the earth cibadak.dan waterboom convenient amenities such as a wave pool, an indoor 50-meter olyimpic, kaloam water slide, koalam emeber spill, Swimming tornado slide, Swimming adrenalin slides, pool slide Pope, Swimming sircle slide, musola, a pavilion, a canteen, a tire rental, rides water ball and health therapies
45. Ryzzy Azzahra Waterpark
Ryzzy Azzahra Waterpark Selabintana Sukabumi Travel is one of the places in Sukabumi precisely Salabintana KM 6 Jalan Sukabumi, Karawang. Heritage is spacious initially approximately 1.2 hectares and is now adding more land so that more extensive. Many interesting amenities such as water slides, adrenaline Shocking, Snow hill, tunnels, pools spill buckets (waterboom) and many others. Rizzy Azzahra Waterpark is suitable as a tourist destination in sukabumi. Now the Heritage Air Ryzzy Azzahra can use the entrance from the east front of Perum Pesona Selabintana, so it does not have to get in your way to karawang as before apart from a small path which also jammed. The driveway eastwards big enough and close enough.
44. Waterboom Nagrak

Parks waterboom Nagrak sukabumi travel is the latest tourist park that is in love bumi.disini you can enjoy the rides and swimming koalm The love of the earth cibadak.dan waterboom convenient amenities such as a wave pool, an indoor 50-meter olyimpic, kaloam water slide, koalam emeber spill, Swimming tornado slide, Swimming adrenalin slides, pool slide Pope, Swimming sircle slide, musola, a pavilion, a canteen, a tire rental, rides water ball and health therapies
45. Ryzzy Azzahra Waterpark
Ryzzy Azzahra Waterpark Selabintana Sukabumi Travel is one of the places in Sukabumi precisely Salabintana KM 6 Jalan Sukabumi, Karawang. Heritage is spacious initially approximately 1.2 hectares and is now adding more land so that more extensive. Many interesting amenities such as water slides, adrenaline Shocking, Snow hill, tunnels, pools spill buckets (waterboom) and many others. Rizzy Azzahra Waterpark is suitable as a tourist destination in sukabumi. Now the Heritage Air Ryzzy Azzahra can use the entrance from the east front of Perum Pesona Selabintana, so it does not have to get in your way to karawang as before apart from a small path which also jammed. The driveway eastwards big enough and close enough.