4 Turkish Bak Heaven in District Pelvic Trenggalek

Are you familiar with Terri?
Yes, the district is located in East Java. Directly adjacent to the sea south of the island of Java, so it can be guessed there would be plenty of panoramic beauty of the sea in the district. Geographically, Terri is adjacent to Tulungagung, Ponorogo and Pacitan. There are many districts in this district. Watulimo, pelvis etc. Each district had its own appeal proper destinations we visit.

4 Turkish Bak Heaven in District Pelvic Trenggalek

On this occasion, we would venture out at the very end of the Trenggalek. Pelvic Subdistrict name. This district is directly adjacent to Pacitan. If we observe further, Pelvic districts are districts most complete natural panorama. In Pelvic we can find some of the beaches, villages in the middle of the hill, a natural lake and gardens are still stretched.

Here is a row of beach to call your tuk to visit if you visit in Trenggalek this.

1. Turkish Pelang

4 Turkish Bak Heaven in District Pelvic Trenggalek

Pelang beach can be crowned as the most beautiful beaches on the other beaches in sub pelvis. Because the road leading to the beach presents a natural beauty incredible beauty. Township roads in the middle of the beautiful expanse of plantations and hills. Then upon entering the coastal tourist area Pelang, will be presented expanse of green pastures. If you are here morning, your feet will undoubtedly interacted directly with the morning dew. In the middle of the desert there are rocks formed cave that is touted as a cave hermitage. And most became an icon of this beach is a waterfall Grojokan which is located on the shoreline.

2. Beach Park Kili-Kili

4 Turkish Bak Heaven in District Pelvic Trenggalek

The beach to the two that should be explored if you come to the sub-district are beach parks Pelvic Kili-Kili. Icons of this beach is a turtle breeding. We all must remember that the turtle is one of the protected animals?  If you want to know the ins and outs of the process of preservation of sea turtles, the beach park Kili-Kili is one answer. The beach is also often a study destination for students majoring in marine science. Far toward the sea, the beach there is a rock which is used as a lighthouse. Wow!

3. Coastal Njoketro

The beach is often overlooked by tourists who visit the districts pelvis. Because the location is not strategic and the access road is very tortuous. However, in this beach countless waves calm on the south coast standards. Normally this beach is the spot to release the turtles that have been treated in the turtle breeding Kili-Kili park. Because the waves at the beach park Kili-Kili is not possible to remove the protected animals were returned to their habitat.

4. Turkish Konang

4 Turkish Bak Heaven in District Pelvic Trenggalek

Konang beach is the pier for the fishermen. Here a lot of boat stopped. The boats were lined up neatly on the waterfront. Sale and purchase of marine fish too many will be found here. You can hunt a variety of marine fish catch of the fishermen directly in this place. However, it did not detract from the beauty of this Konang beach.

On the seafront there is a swamp that borders directly with salty sea water. Truly extraordinary. There are many people who trade here. Stalls will be very easy to find here. So, you need not worry if you run out of inventory provision here. Also waving palm coconut trees in this place.

Well ,,, of the four above are most alluring you? Eksplorasikan nusantaramu, Happy Trip.

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