Tracing 9 Sightseeing Lampung The Enchanting


A deevaTravel -Pemerintah Lampung province that since 2009 launched a visit year continue to develop themselves in the tourism sector, especially in such Cultural Tourism Cultural Tourism Kampung Tua in Sukau, Liwa, Kembahang, Batu Brak, Recognize, Ranau and Krui in West Lampung and Festival Sekura which was held a week after the Eid al-Fitr in the West Lampung, Festival Krakatau in Bandar Lampung, Festival bay Stabas in West Lampung, Festival bay Semaka in Tanggamus and Festival Way Kambas d i East Lampung.

Province with an area of 35376.50 sq km has a very menggagumkan natural scenery and tourist beaches are very beautiful and amazing as the White Sand Beach. In Lampung, you can enjoy the holidays and rest with friends or family like visiting Scenic Way Kambas National Park , Niagara Curup Seven , Siger Tower or explore Coastal Trump is so fascinating.

The following 9 Sightseeing Lampung The Enchanting that you should enjoy with friends or family. 

1. Way Kambas National Park


Way Kambas National Park is a national park elephant sanctuary located in Lampung precisely in the District Labuhan Ratu, East Lampung, Indonesia. In addition to the Way Kambas elephant school (Elephant Training Centre) can also be found in Minas, Riau. Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) who live in this region is increasingly reduced in number. Way Kambas National Park was established in 1985, is the school's first elephant in Indonesia. With the first name Elephant Training Center (PLG), but since the last few years this name was changed to Elephant Conservation Center (PKG), which is expected to become a center for elephant conservation in taming, training, breeding and conservation. Until now this PKG has trained about 300 elephants have been deployed to all corners of the country. In Way Kambas also tedapat International Rhino Foundation is in charge of keeping all rhino species that are not endangered.

On the Way Kambas National Park with family, you can find endangered animals among the Sumatran rhino, Sumatran elephant, Sumatran tiger, Mentor Rimba, false gharial. For many plants found Api-api, Pidada, Nipah, pandan. On the coasts the Way Kambas National Park marshy also often found various species of birds, among others, Lesser Adjutant, pheasant Blue, Kuau king, Bird Pependang East, and some other birds.

2. Island Pahawang


Pahawang island located in the district Punduh Padada, Pasawaran District. Sekitar1.084 hectare area of the island, consisting of Pahawang Large and Small Pahawang. The underwater world Pahawang Island has corals are still pretty intact as well as various kinds of beautiful fish is the main attraction.

Pahawang like heaven for lovers of the sea bottom, ideal for hobby snorkeling and underwater photography.

There are a few spots Pahawang Island Snorkeling commonly visited, among others: Spot Tanjung Disconnect, Pahawang Large, Small Pahawang, and Spot around Island Kelagian, located nearby.

3. Waterfall Princess Shame

waterfalls and daughters-shy

Niagara daughter Malu is located around 46 kilometers from the Capital District Way Kanan, Blmabangan Umpu, Lapung. Niagara Falls with a height of about 80 meters has a panoramic y ang very beautiful with a very cool air. In this place you can melaukan activity of rock climbing, camping or just chatting with friends and family under the Niagara Putri Malu. 

4 . Waterfalls Curup Seven


Curup seven is a seven-level waterfall with a total height of up to 75 meters in the river way as white. Location Situated in the protected forest area in the village of Marga Jaya, Selagai Lingga, Central Lampung. Located about 32 km or 2 hours tempuh.dari Central Lampung regency capital, Gunung Sugih or about 135 kilometers from the airport Radin Intan using private cars and next to the bike trail sewaaan munuju protection forest boundary where the waterfalls are located. In this tourist spot you can berkemahan and undertaking other natural attractions.

5 . Menara Says


Mena r a Siger is a blend between land mark and tourism. For Anshori, Siger Tower is like a beautiful girl who will lure everyone to propose. That is, Siger Tower will foster the attraction and magnet for everyone, including the investment appeal.

Siger Tower community pride Lampung is located on a hill with a height of 110 meters above sea level. Construction of the tower since 2005 to cost Rp15 billion. Siger tower is a symbol of Lampung. He not only became an icon of tourism, but it can become an icon in everything: religion, arts and culture, education.

Physically, Siger Tower was built with attention to characteristic Lampung. In the vicinity of the monument was built spaces that displays Lampung cultural and tourism infrastructure. As a monument at the tip of Sumatra island, Siger Tower is equipped with marker writing Zero Point Sumatra Island. Siger tower with gold color that come with the room where the tourists see Bakauheni Port as well as the panoramic beauty of the sea and natural surroundings.

Siger is customary hat bride Lampung. Siger tower form crown-shaped building consists of nine series which symbolizes the nine languages ​​in Lampung. Siger tower yellow and red, representing the golden color of the bride custom hats. The building is also decorated with carvings filter fabric pattern typical of Lampung.

Buildings will contain data asta gatra, namely Trigatra include geographic, demographic and wealth of natural resources (SDA). The next five gatra, which contains ideologies and defense. Thus the tourists do not need a lot to ask.

Umbrella three colors (white, yellow and red) marks the top of the tower. This umbrella as a symbol of social order. In the main building inscription Wood Are Siger Tower as a symbol of the tree of life. Siger Tower is not only in a physical buildings, but it reflects the culture and identity of Lampung people in accordance with the philosophy to think and act according to the vision and mission of realizing superior Lampung and bardaya competitiveness.

Siger Tower as an icon of community pride is not biased in Lampung was regarded lightly, this is caused by the current into the gate of the Province of Sumatra and Java Island has new icons national pride.

As Lampung people, Siger of course the existence of the tower to be very decent and absolute pride, Siger tower is potentially a first-class tourism assets in the region to get to Visit Region Lampung Lampung fore, Lampung and culture that is known by a guest from foreign countries

6 , White Sand Beach

White sand beach

Lampung White Sand Beach has incredible scenery beautiful. With the combination of sea water with a bluish-green expanse of pristine white sand and sparkling beaches along its coastline make it more beautiful and enchanting to enjoy.

With the cool atmosphere of the beach and the large shady trees around pant ai tentuanya is not too hot beach looked beautiful beach while drinking coconut ice under the shade of a hibiscus tree.

Additionally in the White Sand Beach, you can do beach activities such as sunbathing, playing with white sand, swim or drive around the beach with boat hire locals. 

7 . Lean Island


Lean Island Sulah or better known as the Leaning Island is located 1 km from the bypass path Bandar Lampung - Bakauheni. The island has a relatively pristine natural potential, the shape of the island such as the cone-like dome where the entire surface of the hill slopes and met by coastal forest vegetation, such as merbau trees, hibiscus, ketapan, and so forth.

The southern part of the island being split that can be used as a vehicle for rock climbing, hiking and sports that are natural challenges. Around the region Island Sulah Leaning, Leaning Land, Sea Lean, used a pool exercises, fin swimming, diving, the diving club in Bandar Lampung. Sahabat elora will linger on the lips beaches because the water is very clear, so that marine animals such as small fish already can be seen from the surface. Playing in the white beaches and beautiful while accompanied by a cool air is no less intriguing. For photography instigators, ready to aim at different corners. , Even seem unnecessary for a good camera or expert skills in shooting, because the object is actually already beautiful by nature.

8 . Gulf Kiluan


One of the privileges Kiluan Bay are dolphins in the open sea. Surely many of us who have seen dolphins, both in zoos, aquariums, or even of documentaries. But I'm sure not many people see dolphins darting and dancing on the high seas in their natural habitat. Seeing dolphins swim alongside your boat carefree and they close beside our boat is a very pleasant experience and will never be forgotten. You can enjoy the beauty of the dance of the dolphins in the bay Kiluan with us. 
In the Gulf of Kiluan two types of dolphins. The first species is the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) with a larger body, gray, and shy. The second species is a long beak dolphins (Stenella longirostris) with a smaller body and happy jump. Flocks of wild dolphins free diving under the sea coupled with a white sandy beach with clear blue sky background is the main destination Kiluan Bay.  
Both types of dolphins was quite familiar with humans. Happy dolphins approaching boats or ships passing in the sea. From afar, the dolphin fin-like antenna submarine. After the close, the dolphin was jumping, alternately dives, raised sink, hardly any distance by boat. They seemed to show ourselves to the human race and easily touched. The dolphins seemed very adorable.

9 . Coastal Trump


Trump is a district in South Lampung District, Lampung , Indonesia, which is located at the foot of Mount Rajabasa, unpretentious little town. The city is also situated on the waterfront along the Bay of Lampung.

There are many tourist attractions in Trump, including the Heroes Cemetery Radin Intan II, Sulfur Baths Way, Batu Kapal Beach, Coastal bomb as well as fish auctions, there are also Turkish Canti, Bald Mountain Turkish or Turkish Journalists. There is also a waterfall or waterfall Way Kalam with seven levels of waterfalls. In addition there is also tourism excl. such as Krakatau travel, Trump Resort, Krakatoa, Peacock Beach Belantung, Hot Trump Way, Way Sulfur Simpur, Laguna Beach Helau.

Culinary tour

One of them is the House Lunch hours. This restaurant is usually used as a transit bus to Jakarta and Bandung Damri purpose bus or other vehicle. The food is typical common in consumer spending in kec.Kalianda is a vegetable tart, a typical marinade, such as chili, onion, bay leaves and galangal. In addition there are vegetables such as bud wood, (or young leaves of the cashew), shoots Heling sweet taste astringent, crassocephalum crepidioides, cempoka, gunda (a plant pest that grows in the fields), pegaga, fennel, basil, petakh (banana), jekhing (jengkol) and many more.

Trump including durian production. Durian fruit is usually sold alongside a road in front of houses. The price depends on the size bauh durian. Trump in the market, usually if the durian season arrives, many sellers durian price is quite cheap when compared in a big city. Trump society including durian lovers, until durian was processed into tempoyak and could also be incorporated into the hot coffee or mixed with salad (salad here is iced fruit).

The most delicious fish to be burned is tengkurungan fish. These fish will be very easy to be in the market Trump, accompanied with a typical sauce is sauce harpoon Trump society. The harpoon sauce marinade is very simple, namely cayenne pepper, salt, onion, tomato usual or better longer if you use tomatoes potpourri. Tomatoes this volume as small as a rounded shape that tastes very sour cherry. Potpourri can also be replaced with starfruit shows [starfruit]. In addition, there are also fish pies / pe '(stingray) .In addition to fish the sea Results freshwater fish species in the interest that many people Trump is a fish prop [catfish], fish Pelus [Eels].

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