26 Best Places in Batang, Central Java

Rod is an area in Central Java, the capital rods. Rod itself bordering the Java Sea in the north, Kendal regency in the east, Banjarnegara regency in the south, as well as Pekalongan regency in the west. Most Batang district is hilly and mountainous. The lowlands along the north coast is not so wide. In the southern part is there is Dieng Plateau, with the peak of Mount Prau.

Rod itself is an area that has a myriad of sights very beautiful such as nature tourism, religious tourism and historical attractions are all in the stem , if you want a vacation this is where the ideal, guaranteed you will not be disappointed, especially if you are visiting with relatives, couples and families pastiliburan guaranteed you will be more fun.

Here's a list of 26 Best Places in Batang mandatory must-visit if you're visiting Trunk 

1. Turkish Sigandu

26 Best Places in Batang, Central Java

Sigandu beach located in the village Klidang Lor, District Rod and only about 4 km from Square Trunk or 2 km north of the town of Batang. Besides the beach, in the area there is also a safari park here. Tourist facilities this beach is also quite complete. In addition to enjoying the atmosphere of the beach is clean and pleasant at this beach we can also see the activities of fishermen living near the beach this time of the fish auction. The facilities were presented in Turkish Sigandu among which suffices complete quarters, MCK, playground as well as the most interesting is a haven of fishing boats dock. The most appropriate time to come to the beach Sigandu is in the afternoon because we can see a beautiful view of the sunset. 

2. Ujung Negoro 

The beach is located in the District Ujungnegoro Kandeman. To reach this beach, Wovger must travel about 20 Km northeast of the city fence Trunk. In this home we will be spoiled with a view of the cliffs on the shores of exotic sea. At the high coastal plain there is also a cave named Aswotomo and a small cemetery relic of Sheikh Maulana Maghribi. Around this area is also provided an interesting place for boating and fishing. Besides Ujung Negoro also has waves that are not are not too big so you can play in the water and swim the shoreline of course you have to be careful. The facilities were presented in about Ujung Negoro is also very adequate at all is the presence of a play area for children, dock, lodging as well as the cleanliness of the beach was very clean at all will make your holiday be fun. 

3. Turkish celong

Celong beach located in the village Mangunsari, District Banyuputih. Celong beach is located not far from the railroad tracks north path. The road leading to the beach is surrounded by hills planted with kapok tree which is the raw material of cotton. On this beach, tourists can enjoy extraordinary natural phenomena, namely sunset and sunrise. With superb sea views and the sea breeze on the skin we will make the atmosphere more fun place for holiday travel this celong Beach. 

4. Turkish Ports


Trunk Ports beach location in the village of the District Ketanggan Gringsing within approximately 50 km from the city center rod. The beach is very nice to be a place here too there fishing and fresh water sources that are on the waterfront. A beach in Port Batang Batang northern coastal region that has very beautiful scenery . On this beach on the high plains there is also a small cemetery Goa Aswotomo and relics of Sheikh Maulana Maghribi 

5. Turkish youth

Jodo beach location is in the village Sidorejo, District Gringsing Batang. If the highway north coast Plalen is approximately 10 kilometers /, takes 25 minutes. Attractions in this beach which offers superb views of sea sand is smooth and phon pine that are around him. If you are lucky during the harvest season, tourists can membali semangkan and melon at a low price, because here a lot of the fruit plantations. This beach is perfect for holidays with family. 

6. Curug Genting

Genting waterfall is located in the District of Blado, which is approximately 38 km to the south of the city of Batang. This waterfall has a height of 40 m and surrounded by pine forest in the vicinity. The beauty of this Genting waterfall is visible from a distance before we get to the waterfall where more Genting waterfall surrounded by pine forests that would be characteristic for tourists who come. It's exotic scenery. These tourist sites are still very natural here we can feel the cool waterfalls and jungle atmosphere teduhnya. With temperatures still fresh and the countryside is still beautiful verdant, Genting waterfall this is a very suitable to be used as a recreational fun with relatives or family.

7. Curug Gombong 

Curug Gombong located in the village of Gombong, exactly 6 km south subdistrict Subah. Niagara has a height of 13 m cleave naturally average layered rocks (rocks rai) with a fairly heavy flow of water, so you must be alert when playing under the waterfall is .. Around the left and right of this waterfall, we will be treated to a high cliff. Panoramic beauty of nature is still very natural. It is very pleasant when spending time here. Gombong waterfall offers a very beautiful natural beauty. Conditions around the beautiful nature make this area beautiful to look at. Natural charm is still very beautiful of course be a big attraction for people to continue to visit the waterfall Gombong every holiday season arrives.

8. Curug Sijeglong


Curug Sijeglong located in the village Margosono, District Tersono the area directly adjacent to the Kendal. This waterfall consists of four levels, each level has a pool or in the local language is called jeglong that can be used as a place to swim. That's why this waterfall is called by the name of Curug Sijeglong. Curug Sijeglong which is one of the waterfalls are visited by many tourists. In addition to offering the coolness of the waterfalls you can also enjoy what it feels like trekking or walking pointing to the top of the waterfall which would give an enjoyable experience at all. 

9. Curug Sodong


Located in the village of Curug Sodong Sodong District of Wonotunggal a distance of ± 17 km from the capital city of Batang with a height of 600-800 m above sea level. Sodong village has potential in development, namely Curug and Agro Salak Sodong, but it is also known as a producer kapulogo, vanilla and cloves. Salak Sodong in 1999 had been a race winner fruit Central Java level . Curug Sodong can be reached by private vehicle for approximately 1 hour from the city of Batang.

10 . Curug Agung


Curug Agung Located in Hamlet Pagedigan, District Onion, Batang. Curug Agung is the waterfall tour that has just opened a year ago. The view from Curug Agung so beautiful seems to have invited pensaran of many tourists who keep coming to Curug Agung to enjoy directly. The ambiance of Curug Agung fresh with many trees would be an attraction for tourists visiting the Great Waterfall. Besides enjoying the natural sights of course you can also swim directly under the brunt of the waterfall which has provided a pool large enough. 

11. Curug botoh



Curug botoh located in the village of Bull, Rejosari West, District Tersono, Batang, beauty of the waterfall botoh in Batang county has fascinated many tourists seem to come on vacation where there are many waterfalls that will travel you have encountered while in Batang. Curug botoh be one among the many waterfall in Batang which has a natural beauty that is so remarkable which is visible from the natural scenery around the waterfall botoh which still looks very beautiful. Moreover, the discharge of water flowing from the waterfall botoh sizable also adds to the excitement of its own to enjoy the waterfalls and bathing under the waterfall langung to feel its freshness. Surely vacation to Curug botoh will provide an experience in itself is very impressive and makes you feel more perfect holiday alone. 

12. Curug Angel



Located in the village of Curug Angel Silurah, District Wonotunggal, Batang. Angel waterfall is one of the waterfalls that are worth to your search for deeper when on vacation to Batang district where this waterfall has a characteristic that is different from other waterfalls that often you come across. The location of the waterfall Angel we know more is flanked by mountain rocks that would make a great view of the waterfall Angel more beautiful and looks so natural with lots of trees around the waterfall. The number of visitors who come every day it continues to experience a rapid increase which shows the great enthusiasm of the people is enough. Also available a pool that you can use to swim while enjoying the freshness of waterfalls wet your entire body.

13. Heritage Silurah

Heritage stored in Silurah Village, District Wonotunggal, a statue of Ganesha, Shiva statue, Yoni and other fragments dating from the 9th century AD as Ganesya statues and other relics of Hindu patterned like yoni phallus, and extolled staircase in the ruins of the temple ,

14. Inscription Sojomerto

Sojomerto inscription located in the village Sojomerto, District Reban. The inscription is written with Pallava letters, using the Old Malay, and is estimated to come from the latter half of the 7th century. Sojomerto inscription is the earliest evidence of the existence of Wangsa dynasty in Central Java, which later gave birth to kings in Java. Made in the VII century on the orders of King dynasty of the kingdom of Srivijaya.

15. Stone Gamelan

Tosa Village, District Bandar, in the form of a mound of large rocks which are relics of megalithic era. Mounds of large boulders at the foot of a hill below it lay rice fields fertile located in the village of Tosa District of Bandar, believed to be an ancient relic, megaliths. People call it the Stone Gamelan which says a full moon night pedhukuhan-pedhukuhan around the site occasionally hear dozens of stone that struck a rollicking (kothekan). mounds of large rocks which occupies an area of 600 square meters is not shaped gamelan but could make a sound with different tones when struck. Until now the stone is still there and is frequently struck by children on grass, the sound coming out of the rocks were loudly sounding the hundreds of meters away.

16. The largest elephant Indra

Brokoh village, Batu Gajah Wonotunggal form or sculpture "Elephant Indra", on the banks of Sungai Kupang, measuring 90 x 60 cm. In the vicinity of the site there are statues scattered in rice fields. Batu Gajah, or Elephant statue Indra is the ancient relics found in the village of the District Brokoh Wonotunggal precisely + 200 m on the banks of the river flow kupang measuring 90 x 60 cm and a thickness of 30 cm.Pada one side there is a relief of man crouching elephants standing under the body, the other side there is a relief a small child and adult hands as if to put his elephant's back, but the unfortunate shape of the statue has been incomplete because part belailainya had broken undermined by irresponsible people.

17. Tourism Village Pranten

Pranten village is the highest and outlying villages in Batang, as included in the Dieng Plateau region. Located at an altitude of 1700 meters above sea level, in the village Pranten warm springs are utilized local residents as well as a center for vegetables.

18. Agro East Selopajang

Agro tourism in the village of East Selopajang Selopajang Blado eastern districts. Here tourists can enjoy the cool mountain air is pristine. Attractions in this location offers friends fruits, pool, pond fish therapy, amenities gathering places such as halls, courts, and that is no less interesting is the variety of games outbound.

19. Telaga Dringo

Telaga Dringo or Sidringo located in the village Mojotengah, District Reban the territory bordering the Banjarnegara district. Ponds located in the hills Dieng is often touted as Ranu Kumbolonya Trunk. Telaga Dringo a mountain craters which erupted in 1786. This lake is a lake that is rarely visited by tourists Dieng, treking much harder and less good road became the main reason. Especially traveling between Kembang sky until Gerlang village .

 2 0 . Agrowisata Pagilaran

Agrowisata Pagilaran air in the village Onions Blado districts, 40 Km south of the city center rod. This agro built over an area of ​​1131.25 ha. Very spacious for you who want to have fun with the feeling at one with nature. Here you can see the extent of the tea garden with a cool atmosphere. In addition, there is also the outbound arena that you can enjoy to challenge the adrenaline. This place is often used as a place for holding meetings, meetings, courses and training because of the availability of the guesthouse, Home Stay, Meeting Room and Meeting Room. A very complete facilities for a tourist place. In addition we can also see the activity of residents who were harvesting tea leaves or tea leaves that have been bought ready brewed at the factory.

21. Agro Salak Sodong

Sodong Salak Agro Tourism is one location with that in the village of Curug Sodong Sodong, District Wonotunggal. In this village we can see a lot of Salak owned by residents. If the harvest has arrived, we can buy and pluck it straight from the tree bark. Excess barking Sodong with other barking is their large size and sweet taste. This place is located at an altitude of 600-800 m above sea level. Sodong village has natural potential which is still under construction, namely the waterfall and the Salak Agro Sodong, besides Sodong village also known as producing village kapulogo, vanilla and cloves.

22. Cultural Park and Recreation Kramat

This tourist spot is located about 1 kilometer from the city center rod, precisely in the village Proyonanggan. Its position is on the edge of the river named 'Kali Kramat'. In these places travelers able to enjoy a wide range of knowledge about the city culture stems are wrapped neatly with the world of recreational tourism. As a show of indigenous culture and art is often displayed in the garden of the Culture and Recreation. This place is believed to be the origin of the town stems are associated with the legend Bahurekso.

23. Pemandinan Hot Sangubanyu


Pemandingan Hot Sangubanyu located in the mountains in Batang, the cool air will accompany tourists menantiasa Attraction when in hot water this Sangubanyu. In the Java language has a meaning sangu provisions and Banyu means water. So Sangubanyu this could be interpreted as carrying supplies of water because here a lot of water coming out of the ground. The content is in hot water / sulfur is thinking about kasiat to cure various skin diseases, mainly itching.

24. Tubing Pandansari

Tubing Pandansari belokasi attractions in the village Pandansari Warungasem subdistrict about 15 kilometers from the city center rod to the west. It is a natural tourist attraction / outdoor pool that can be enjoyed together. Travelers can feel across the river in the area and embarrassing variety of outdoor activities such as outbound, camping / tent.

25 . Ecopark Bandar

Bandar Ecopark located approximately 18 kilometers from the city center rod, precisely in the village Wonokerto, city districts. Located further away from the coast, because here the tourists will be presented with a wide variety of water rides were obtained from the original pure water from the mountains in Batang. attractive design in the eye will make the visitor a moment in this place while learning a new experience at this resort. Here we can bring the kids because there is also a children's pool facilities. What is unique is the swimming pool is surrounded by rice paddies and a few isolated trees that make this place more airy. The water source is from a natural spring and cleanliness is maintained swimming pools are suitable for families because the swimming pool is derived from natural springs.

26 . Trunk Dolphin Center

Batang Dolphin Center located at Batang Sigandu Beach area is a breeding well as attractions featuring dolphins, this place is a unit managed by Taman Safari Indonesia. Besides seeing the dolphin show, visitors can also wander around the park area safari to see diverse collection of animals that are here. Tourism activities can you find here include the performing arts of the dolphin / Limba clever dolphin in a game (like circus dolphins). Besides here there is also a collection of animals in order neatly in a mini zoo, water park, pool fresh and marine fish, turtles and tortoises.

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