4 grandeur Trans Studio Makassar

Trans Studio Makassar. Are familiar with the name of that place right? Of course! Trans Studio Makassar is the largest indoor amusement park to two in Indonesia after the Trans Studio Bandung.
Here are four unique area contained in the Trans Studio Makassar:

4 grandeur Trans Studio Makassar

1.Magic Corner

If you get into this area, all would seem to be more magical! All the way you will be bewitched by the magic touch. You will be swept away in the sensation that exist in this region, all of which are in front of your eyes will feel like reality! Very amazing!

Various rides that exist in the Magic Corner:

Other A.Dunia

B.Magic Thunder Coaster

C.Dragon's Tower

D.Putar Lightning

E.Giant Swing

2.Kids Studio

4 grandeur Trans Studio Makassar

This area is perfect for kids who love the imagination and colorful. The area is full of jokes and laughter! Do not forget to capture the moment with your camera!

Various rides in the area Kids Studio:

A.Ayun waves

B.Kids Studio


D.Angin Tornado

E.Kano Kali

F.Mini Boom Boom Car

G.Balloon House

3. The Lost City

This area is full of action adventure! Prepare yourself for an expedition, adventure and exploration is fabulous! Really exciting loh ..

Various rides that exist in the area of ​​The Lost City:

A.Safari Track


C.Si Bolang

D.Rimba Express

E.Sepeda Fly

4.Studio Central

If you enter this area, you will be presented by the Hollywood-style architectures of the sixties. You like stepping on the entertainment center!

Various rides in the area of ​​Central Studio:

A.Bioskop 4D

B.Hollywood Bumper Car

C.Grand Esia Studio View

D.Studio Tour

E.Trans City Theater

F.Science Center

In the Trans Studio Makassar also has a food and drink tablets, such as:

1.The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf


3.Studio Bento

4.Studio Noodle

5.Studio Fried Chicken

6.Snack and Sweet

Wah! Very interesting is not it? Money spent to buy admission tickets Trans Studio Makassar also not in vain tablets, because everything has paid off with the amusement rides were so fun! Ticket prices are not too expensive. For Monday-Friday, admission tickets can be obtained at a price of US $ 10. As for Saturday-Sunday / Holidays, admission tickets can be obtained at a price of US $ 15

In the Trans Studio Makassar, visitors are enjoined to use the Studio Pass in order to enter and transact within the theme park. The price is also not too expensive, only $ 1 and be valid for life. Studio Pass card issued by Bank Mega is to be filled with a certain nominal amount to be used as a means to pay for the transaction in the area of ​​Trans Studio Makassar.

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