4 underwater paradise for lovers of diving in Indonesia

Ranks of underwater paradise for lovers of diving in Indonesia. Dive travel in Indonesia will not be possible only once a wink. Various kinds of articles even been intensively discussed about various beauty possessed this country. But even if so, there remains the only material that can be discuss in certain forums on the natural beauty of Indonesia. Why is that? Yes because Indonesia is rich in natural beauty and enchanting islands nan. Including travel beauty of the underwater world that have been recognized. 

4 underwater paradise for lovers of diving in Indonesia

Enjoy underwater tours to do with diving or snorklling, and has diving to the seabed has become a trend of our times. For those of you who want to spoil the eye to see the beauty of coral and thousands of species of beautiful fish, following tourism destinations.

1. marine park Wakatobi

Nasiaonal Wakatobi marine park located in fragrance-scented island of Sulawesi. Wakatobi national park is a national park that has been recognized by UNESCO as the most beautiful parks in the world of nautical tourism. Wakatobi national park serves exotic underwater beauty of coral and fish species charming share. Wakatobi save 25 clusters of coral reefs with 112 species of coral are ready to pamper you lovers of diving. In addition to captivating coral reefs, underwater wakatobi also save hundreds of beautiful and unique fish, including fish habitat from growing kembanya napoleon. Then appropriate when the marine park Wakatobi in nobatkan as one of the best from the ranks of underwater paradise for lovers of diving in Indonesia.


Bunaken is a second-order from the ranks of underwater paradise for lovers of diving in Indonesia. Bunaken national park located in northern Sumatra. The uniqueness of Bunaken marine park, among others, there are 390 types of coral reefs spread along the coast. Bunaken also has a variety of fish species are protected. Expanse of mangrove forests add to the aesthetic value of the Bunaken. The island is often referred to as the coral triangle is going to be beautiful when you visit in May - August. Because in the month - the month sangt quiet beach atmosphere and its water is very clear.

3.Raja ampat

Again Raja Ampat entered into the ranks underwater paradise for lovers of diving in Indonesia. Island in the eastern tip of Indonesia's store cluster of islands not only beautiful but also hundreds of kinds of enchanting beauty of marine life. Raja Ampat is recognized worldwide as one of the best parks in the world. Hundreds of species of coral and thousands of fish make the most beautiful diving lovers linger at home and dive under the sea islands of this bird.

4.Teluk alor

Ranks of underwater paradise for lovers of diving in Indonesia next alor bay. Alor bay is one of the park underwater tour which will spoil diving lovers from all over the world. Underwater national park is located in East Nusa Tenggara. In this gorgeous island hundreds of species of fish and living coral reef protected. Beautiful beaches make alor bay as the best tourist destinations in Indonesia. For your hobby mountain climbing, exploring the hills around the island of Alor might be interesting recommendations. Happy tavelling dear

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