A visit to the city of Solo, Pasar Klewer

Do you know what the market which is the largest textile market in the city of Solo? Approximately, what is the market? Curious? Come on, go read through! Market adjacent to the Keraton Surakarta, a shopping center as the reference batik cloth traders from various cities, such as the city of Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Semarang and other cities in Java. The name of this market is the Pasar Klewer. Klewer Market not only as an economic center of tablets, but also as a tourist destination and a symbol of the city of Surakarta itself.

A visit to the city of Solo, Pasar Klewer

This market Pasar Klewer named because in ancient times batik traders who sell merchandise, sell it in a way bring it above the shoulders which caused his wares falling, which in terms of Java called "kleweran". Of the title or the term "kleweran" here, this market eventually named Pasar Klewer.

In the early days, traders in Pasar Klewer are traders who sell in the area Banjarsari and Supit Urang. Klewer market began to develop in 1942 until 1945. Since 1968 Klewer market is growing, then on June 9, 1970 began in the wake of a permanent multi-storey market to accommodate traders who diremiskan by President Soeharto.

Inside Pasar Klewer, there are various kinds of fabrics and garments. Moreover, in Pasar Klewer there are also shirts, jackets, ties, cotton cloth, batik and accessories. Of various kinds in Pasar Klewer, the most prominent item is batik. Ranging from batik to batik palace. Starting batik from Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, Banyumas, Madura, Betawi and other cities. In addition, accessories, clothes, sheets and pillowcases also batik loh! Very interesting is not it? Not only that, this market also provides a variety of typical handicraft export quality Solo community loh! Such as carved wooden mirror, carved glass, and various souvenirs made of glass.

Klewer Market Solo is also a very important role as a business center in the city of Solo because the velocity of money is very high every day. Because the price is quite affordable, abundant stock and merchandise selection that much then do not be surprised if every day the market is very crowded in the visit by the buyer.

After reading it, not with the curious appearance Klewer Market? If you are not the Solo and went on vacation to the city of Solo, a time to yourself to visit Pasar Klewer yes! Do not forget to buy fabric or batik clothes in there, because batik is our culture. Always preserve culture in Indonesia ya mate ..

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