Runway adrenaline traveled to goa Pindul Jogjakarta

Not unexpectedly turned out to Jogjakarta save another privileged location is the main attraction for tourists. What is that? Yups, attractions Pindul. Just heard this once? Curious and eager to visit it? Well let's look at a bit of reviews Pindul and the origins of why they are called Pindul .. Yayaya check this up

Andrenalin runway with a trip to Pindul jogjakarta.

Pindul is a tourist attraction located in Bejiharjo village, sub-district Gunung Kidul Karangmojo Jogjakarta. Pindul is a cave in which there are clear streams and quiet. Pindul itself became famous since 2010, and began to be exposed last few years with more and more visitors coming to this place. For entry into the cave you do not need legs to walk, you just need buoys and tires that will take you discover the beauty of Pindul. This activity is commonly called cave tubing. 

Do not worry about your safety during the cave tubing, because you will be guided by a tour guide that is proportional and reliable. Once you get into the cave cool shades and beauty of stalagtik and stalagmin will be soothing eye sight. Hundreds of stalactites form that goes back thousands of years ago it became its own beauty owned Pindul. Pindul has a length of about 300 meters. It took about an hour to traverse the region in Pindul.

Andrenalin runway with a trip to Pindul jogjakarta.

Down Pindul is typically done in the morning, you can also clearly see the beam-Berakas incoming sunlight to penetrate the wall of the cave causing pretty figurative light again charming. Moreover, because not many visitors who come automatically suasna calm and relax can be found there. It's good when you belibur to Pindul on days other than holidays, because on the day of the school holidays Pindul crowded crowded with visitors. So to get into the cave takes a fairly long time to line up.

Satisfied with various beauty Pindul not hurt when you know about the origin Pindul. According to public confidence around the cave, Pindul is witness to the history of the journey of a boy named Joko singlulung who were searching for the presence of his father, george singlulung journey from the forest, to the mountains, the sea, until he found a cave in the area Bejiharjo. While in the cave inadvertently hit her cheeks cave walls, so that's why it was named Pindul, Which means gebendul cheek or bumped.

Well how interested in trying? Please come directly and spur your adrenaline here. I tell you yes, biyaya entered Pindul turned out cheap and affordable. Only with 35 thousand rupiah you enjoying the beauty Pindul charming.

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