Two Rasa explore Lake Labuan Cermin

Lake Labuan Cermin

A deevaTravel - Labuan Lake Mirror is one of the unique lake which is located in the village of Big Dipper, District Bear-Bear, Berau district, East Kalimantan. Lake with water so clear it has its own uniqueness. On the surface of the lake water has the flavor of fresh water, while at the bottom of the lake water has a salty taste. 

Labuan Lake Mirror color green lake water is clear, even from the top surface of the lake fish in the bottom of the lake can be seen very clearly. Especially in the added sun exposure is so bright, rays are able to penetrate to the lake bottom.

Lake Labuan Cermin

The lake with two flavors is surrounded by forests and towering cliffs on one side. Not surprisingly, the locals call Lake Labuan Cermin, because the lake has very clear water until you can reflect on the upper lake.

To be able to visit this unique lake, you can use the canoe fishermen. By penetrating the mangrove shrubs and lush green forest that was inhabited a variety of wild animals such as monkeys, proboscis monkeys, otters up bears. 

Lake Labuan Cermin

In this lake you can do activities such as swimming, snorkeling or take pictures with your friends.

Because the place is very hidden and far enough away from the city as well as facilities and infrastructure are still modest, rarely the tourists who visit this hidden place. The place is only visited by local tourists, especially tourists around the lake. 

Lake Labuan Cermin

For can visit to Lake Labuan Cermin From Sepnggan Airport, Balikpapan we can fly to the airport Tanjung Redeb. Then the journey continues by land transport to the village of the Bear-Plow with a journey time of about 6 hours. Arriving in the village Biduk-dipper trip continued to scour the path treking using fishing boat that we can lease takes about 30-45 minutes.   

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