Myth Ghost Ramp Love Ranu Kumbolo

Meaning Ranu Kumbolo, ranu means lake and Kumbolo means gathering. Ranu Kumbolo lake is a gathering place for climbers to unwind before traveling to Mahameru, Mount Semeru.

Who does not know Mahameru and Ranu Kumbolo. The loveliest place on the slopes semeru unseemly to miss its beauty.

But be careful - careful because not only keep its beauty, Ranu Kumbolo also save myths that are still many people who believe it.

If you intend to climb the mountain top semeru then before that you will pass the ramp sloped almost 45 degrees. Almost perpendicular to the plains, that is the reason the myth Ranu Kumbolo.

Ranu Kumbolo have a myth that when it is up the path on this ramp must not even look back. Due to long ago there was a story of two lovers who make the climb in this Ranu Kumbolo and a man walked in front of her without looking back so he does not know if she syudah fell and rolled to the bottom. This story also makes the ramp incline Ranu Kumbolo called love, which if pendakinya looked behind the love story will break up half way through and when climbers capable of climbing inclines this love without a backward glance, the romance will last.

Perhaps the myth was still very attached to the people, but the real reason climbers should not be looking back is due to the ramp-owned Ranu Kumbolo has a slope of 45 degrees that could make climbers view semriwing to look back, and cause an accident or fall kedasar. It was very dangerous.

Ranu Kumbolo climbers triggered by the beauty of the peak that no climber back down after seeing the beauty of the underwater scenery in the middle - the middle of the climb. All climbers climb up no one stopped.

After reaching the peak ranu free Kumbolo you look beautiful blue water of the lake and fresh lavender fields refreshing eye. Tired any Ranu Kumbolo paid by the breathtaking beauty of the summit. There will be no disappointment in the face when the climbers reach the top, and for a moment forgotten the terrible myth.

when satisfied looking at the view of the lake from the top, it is time down the ramp and feel the fresh water lake Ranu Kumbolo during the afternoon. It was a pleasure! The dream of summiting Ranu Kumbolo were in front of the eye, can not wait to vent missed immediately wanted to Mahameru and Ranu Kumbolo.

Welcome to the beauty of mountains semeru Java travel timur.Penggemar have you posted your name on the list ascent Mahameru ?? A few readers thanks.

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