Venturing Kawah Putih, Bandung Ciwidey

Ciwidey is a sub-districts of Bandung (West Java). Ciwidey name comes from the ancient Portuguese language, namely Ciwi meaning kiwi fruit, and Dey meaningful day. Ciwidey famous as a tourist destination and as a regional agricultural and plantation products.

Venturing Kawah Putih, Bandung Ciwidey

Teretak white crater at Jln Raya Soreang, Ciwidey, about 25 km from Bandung. White crater is one of the favorite places for tourists who visit Bandung. Just so you know, the White crater lake is the result of a volcanic eruption Patuha loh! There, we could see an unusual sight, which is rarely found elsewhere.

The scenery there is absolutely amazing, the water in the crater lake can change color. It happened because when sunlight on the crater lake, the water in the crater lake will turn white brownish. This volcanic crater has a white ground. The white color is due to sulfur content in the soil there. In addition, the air in a white crater really cool loh! The temperature alone could reach 8 to 22 degrees Celsius.

To get into these places, only need to spend their money of Rp 15,000, - / person for local tourists, and Rp30.000, - / person for foreign tourists. White crater is the place that is open every day, starting at 07:00 to 17:00 pm. To reach the crater summit white of the gate could use ontang earrings that spend $ 10,000, - however, the price can change at any time, such as during long holiday.

The facilities available in the White crater itself, among others, praying, park, vehicle toward the crater. If the tourists thirsty and did not bring a drink or lunch, the tourists can buy at the stalls that lined lot.

If tourists visit using a personal vehicle, the vehicle can be parked in two places, in the parking lot up and down. In the parking lot above, it is located close to the location of the crater, so no need to pay tariffs ontang earrings, to the tariff rates four wheels 150,000, - As for the underground parking, rates for two wheels for Ro5.000, - and four wheels IDR6. 000, -

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